Saturday, September 23, 2023

Character Sheet: Metroid Mutant


And now, we have one final character sheet to do, and then we will begin our character sheets. The one and only entry is:

1. Metroid Mutant

The Metroid=Mutant, or M=M, is a Metroid mutated by Space Pirate experimentation that acts as the true final boss of the gamebook Metroid: Zebes Invasion Order, attacking Samus on board her ship after her escape from Zebes which she can defeat in a number of ways that may result in a bad ending or a good ending.

The Metroid Mutant (which I am going to call it), has the ability to drain energy but also has tentacles and claws that it can attack with. It can also fly like most Metroids, and has speed to beat Samus to various locations and the durability to resist the ice beam.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Energy Drain

The Mutant will latch on to an opponents and start draining them of life force, just like other Metroids.

Side B: Super Speed

The Mutant will dash forward, slashing with its claws at anyone directly ahead of it.

Up B: Launch

The Mutant will launch itself up into the air, spinning out its tentacles to let it move through space.

Down B: Tentacle Stab

It will use its long tentacles to stab its opponents, dealing a lot of damage.

Final Smash: Forced Ejection

In the obvious homage to Alien, we will recreate Samus's option of finishing it off by launching it into space from her ship. An airlock will open, and a massive suction will pull at every character on the stage, pulling them all off to the blast zone.

Entrance: It will break free of its capsule.

Taunts: Up, it will spin and rise a bit. Side, its multiple eyes will shift around, zeroing in on its opponent and looking angry. Down, it will wrap its tentacles around the Metroid Capsule from the game.

Kirby Hat: Its big dome.

Kart: Based on the Metroid Capsule.

Special Move: It will get a sudden boost of speed, letting it race forward while drawing energy from those around it.

Spirit Battle: A battle of Space Pirate Mothership.

Victory Screen: The "Bad Ending" will play out across the screen.

Losing Screen: The Mutant will be seen ejected into space, as the "Good Ending" will play across the screen.

Color Swaps: Based on the Metroid color swaps, with a black-and-white version at the end.

Thanks for reading! Now, let us begin our character cards.

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