Saturday, September 9, 2023

Character Sheet: Greed


And now we have a long list of character who appear exclusively within the Metroid comics, manga, and other non-game media. These will all act as a roster on their own, separate from the standard game roster. They are:

1. Joey Apronika

2. Kreatz

3. Mauk

4. Diesel

5. GFS Tyr Crew

6. Armstrong Houston

7. Zegan Doh

8. Bomad

9. U-Ton

10. Papa Lightning

11. Chozo Elders

12. Greed

13. Bishop

14. Knight

15. Dangelo

16. Pirate Boss

17. Amokmaw

18. Integra

19. Megaroid

Throughout much of the Samus & Joey storyline, little whispers of a group called the Dominion keep cropping up in Samus's investigations, with a number of individuals like Zegan Doh or Bomad being hired to try to take her out. This all comes to a head in the comics' finale, where the leader of the Dominion takes Joey hostage in exchange for Samus giving up all of her weaponry.

This villain is named Greed, a member of Ridley's species who seeks revenge for Samus's destruction of the Space Pirates, as well as an ancient power buried within ancient ruins that will summon a black hole to devour the universe and recreate it in his own image. He bears a lot of the same physical abilities as Ridley, of course, but he can also electrocute his opponents, drain them of energy, use mind control on them, and summon said black holes.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Electrify

He will blast lightning at his opponents, dealing them deadly harm.

Side B: Tail Stab

A standard Ridley move, and one I think we can carry over here.

Up B: Flight

Another one used frequently by Ridley, but also shown by him as well.

Down B: Energy Drain

He will catch an opponent in his energy-draining machine, which if left long enough will drain all their energy and eventually kill them.

Final Smash: Black Hole

His plan will succeed, he will open the gates found in the Hall of the Gods, and unleash a black hole that devours the entire universe.

Entrance: He will appear in a cloak to hide his identity.

Taunts: Up, holding up his hand, saying something about ultimate power is his. Side, he will hold up a drained-looking Joey and say that the choice is yours. Down, he will hold up six data capsules and look them over.

Kirby Hat: His head, like Ridley's.

Kart: Based on his ship.

Special Move: He can drain speed from passing opponents, slowing them to a crawl.

Spirit Battle: On Hall of the Gods.

Victory Screen: The world will be consumed by his black hole, and then you will see him in silhouette, looming over a new world.

Losing Screen: He will get sucked in and ripped apart by his own black hole.

Color Swaps: About the same as Ridley's color swaps, just with the little character differences.

Thanks for reading! Next up, his very own Starscream!

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