Monday, September 11, 2023

Character Sheet: Bishop


And now we have a long list of character who appear exclusively within the Metroid comics, manga, and other non-game media. These will all act as a roster on their own, separate from the standard game roster. They are:

1. Joey Apronika

2. Kreatz

3. Mauk

4. Diesel

5. GFS Tyr Crew

6. Armstrong Houston

7. Zegan Doh

8. Bomad

9. U-Ton

10. Papa Lightning

11. Chozo Elders

12. Greed

13. Bishop

14. Knight

15. Dangelo

16. Pirate Boss

17. Amokmaw

18. Integra

19. Megaroid

After Samus and Joey defeat Greed's six generals and reclaim all of Samus's weapons, two new enemies make their appearance as Greed's right and left hand men. The first of these is a figure named Bishop, who does the standard Starscream thing of constantly scheming for his own gain behind his cohorts' backs.

Bishop soon turns out to be the seventh of the Deadly Six Stars, having been given the Plasma Beam and the Varia Suit, making him nearly invulnerable to attack. He can also trap his opponents in blocks, created mechanical zombies of the other fallen Stars, and blew up an entire planet trying to kill his opponents.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Plasma Beam

He will fire the Plasma Beam at an opponent, doing the damage the Plasma Beam would do.

Side B: Block Trap

He will trap his opponents inside of blocks that they will have to struggle to break free from for a short time.

Up B: Varia Jump

He will use the Varia Suit to launch himself higher than normal.

Down B: Zombie Stars

He will summon a mechanical zombie of one of the Deadly Six Stars, cycling through them in order. He can only summon one at a time, but they will simply shamble forward, and can be defeated by one hit.

Final Smash: Void Obliteration

Bishop will reveal his true plan, keeping the other opponents occupied while he rigged the planet to blow. A cutscene will then show the stage exploding with everyone going flying.

Entrance: He will rise up from the background.

Taunts: Up, he will raise his hand and introduce himself a little bombastically. Side, he will hold out his hand and mumble some of his schemes. Down, he will reveal his true body inside of the mouth on his head.

Kirby Hat: His mask.

Kart: Based on the Varia Suit.

Special Move: He can summon up a mechanical zombie based on one of the Six Deadly Stars to shamble across the track.

Spirit Battle: On Hall of the Gods, with Knight supporting the player.

Victory Screen: He will stand over his opponents' bodies and proclaim himself the victor.

Losing Screen: His body will be vaporized in his own reflected plasma beam.

Color Swaps: I imagine him being kind of gold, with some other fancy colors, so then we can do silver, bronze, a reddish color, a blue color, a green color, a black color, and a white color.

Thanks for reading! Next up, um, Dreadwing? If we're keeping up the "Transformers" comparisons.

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