Monday, September 25, 2023



Samus’s first adventure takes her to Planet Zebes, the former home of her mentors, the Chozo, which now acts as a base of operations for a band of Space Pirates bent on universal domination. As she works her way through the planet, she comes face to face with a giant green lizard shooting spikes from its chest.

This is Kraid, normally depicted as an enormous kaiju that lives in lava and shoots spikes from his chest. He does not seem to be very intelligent and is likely just a large and deadly pet of the space pirates. He appears three times throughout the series, mostly as a first boss in each game.

As a fighter, Kraid will be big and heavy, but sized down for Smash, probably being similar in proportions to his original appearance. His moveset will pull from his attacks shown throughout his various boss battles.

Likelihood rating: Could happen.

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