Friday, March 31, 2023



Appearing on screen at basically the exact same moment as Dr. Mario, are a trio of little multicolored gremlins filling up a large, bottle-shaped grid.

These are the Viruses, Dr. Mario's perennial nemeses across every game in the series. They often come in the main set of primary colors, each being named Fever, Chill, and Weird respectively, but later games would introduce more, such as the three introduced in Dr. Luigi following the CMYK color trio instead.

As fighters, they will be small, quick, and tricky, hopping around and being incredibly difficult to catch. If you could program it so that they were damaged more by attacks of matching colors that would be fun, but probably a nightmare to code, so . . . Their moveset would come from their demonstrated abilities as well as those extrapolated from their sickness names.

Likelihood rating: Piranha Plant clause.

Second Chance: Virus


So, for the Dr. Mario viruses, I originally overlooked them because they were pretty basic overall. They were basically just the blocks for the game, just given faces to add a bit more flavor. And even in games like the Mario & Luigi games, they were basically just "bumping-type" enemies, with no more attack than just charging into their opponent. Plus, they worked really well as a Dr. Mario attack (which I guess they still can be, if I say yes, if Dr. Mario just throws the small block forms of them or something).

One thing I do notice though, is that one comic at least, did ascribe specific attributes to the three main colors: Fever could control heat, Chill could control cold, and Weird could morph their victims into new shapes. On their own, not quite enough still, but it does give us fair reason to assume we can extrapolate from the other viruses added in other games. For instance, Dr. Luigi added a Dizzy, Confused, and Drowsy, which can give us some things, while Dr. Mario World added in a floatie virus that could change locations on the game grid, and some were shown with spears in the Mario & Luigi games.

Overall, I think it's easy to see why I said no, at first. These are all very minimal, and somewhat extrapolate-y, especially spread out across a wide variety of sources, but I think I can ultimately say . . .


Here is their moveset, as well as I remember it for Foreman Spike:

Standard B: Infection

The Virus will latch on and bite its target, inflicting a poison status if it holds on long enough.

Side B: Fever OR Chill

Either one of these two elemental attacks can be used here. I think I prefer fever best, but either way.

Up B: Floatie

The Virus will float up into the air for a second with a dazed look on its face before coming back down.

Down B: Weird OR Drowsy

Either could work here. Weird would basically cause the target to mutate and become slower as a result, or Drowsy would put the player to sleep.

Final Smash: Epidemic

Based on Dr. Mario 64's plot, hundreds of viruses will flood over the stage, leaving all players behind with various effects of being ill.

Entrance: A bottle will break open and they will come out.

Taunts: Up, a pill will fall from above, the Virus will catch it and then start shaking. Side, the Virus will look side to side all sneaky-like. Down, the Virus will sit down and cough as if sick.

Kirby Hat: He will turn the red color of the Fever Virus.

Kart: A giant pill bottle with them inside.

Special Move: They will cause an area of effect around themselves that will cause any racers that pass through it to become slow with sluggish controls.

Spirit Battle: A horde battle on Pill Bottle, with Dr. Mario as an ally.

Victory Screen: Their opponent will become pale and sickly as they hop around them.

Losing Screen: Pills will fall from above, striking them and causing them to disappear.

Color Swaps: Fever, Chill, Weird, Dizzy, Confused, Drowsy, the pink one from World, and the green one from World.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a long-forgotten enemy from Super Mario Land 2.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Eggplant Man


Starting on the second level of Wrecking Crew, Mario and Luigi would find themselves facing off with odd vegetable-shaped workers running straightforward until they come to an obstacle and have to turn around.

These are the Eggplant Men. Alongside the living wrenches called Gotchawrenches, they make up the majority of Foreman Spike's titular crew. Although they only appear as enemies in the first game, they would go on to have playable appearances in the second game alongside their boss.

As fighters, they will be echoes of Foreman Spike, with their moveset being entirely built off of the unique aspects and elements of the Wrecking Crew games. By comparison, they will be lighter and quicker than Spike himself, with a bit less power behind their attacks.

Likelihood rating: Piranha Plant clause.

Second Chance: Eggplant Man


It's a bit of a source of personal embarrassment for me, when compiling this list, just how many occurred to me as "Why didn't I make that an echo fighter?" I hope I'm doing better on that front now, but we will have to see. The first here is Eggplant Man, the iconic enemies from Wrecking Crew who work as part of Foreman Spike's crew alongside Gotchawrenches. And, when making this list, I had do ask myself, "Why couldn't they have been echoes of Foreman Spike?"

So I think the biggest problem holding me back is the Gotchawrenches. In the games, there's not too much difference between the two enemies, as both their jobs is to run around the stage and get in your way as you try to destroy everything. One rule I am sticking to is only one echo per fighter, which then makes it feel marginally unfair to the Gotchawrenches if I do make Eggplant Man the echo.

There are two solutions I can see there: 1) Gotchawrenches take up the crew mechanic I established for Spike and remain the same for the Eggplant Man, thus at least getting representation that way. Or 2) I just make Gotchawrenches four of the Eggplant Man's color swaps, since they do fill nearly the same functions. And . . . I think I can be satisfied with either of those solutions. So, my answer is . . . 


Here is their moveset, as well as I remember it for Foreman Spike:

Standard B: Wrecking Crew

Made up only of Gotchawrenches now.

Side B: Hammer

A bit weaker than Spike's.

Up B: Ladder

Probably a bit quicker on the climb than Spike.

Down B: Bomb

Likewise a little less power.

Final Smash: Kanbank

Probably with a different design than Spike's.

Entrance: Breaking through a block based on the original games.

Taunts: Up, it will toss a bunch of eggplants in the air. Side, it will run back and forth as if hitting obstacles. Down, it will strike a block with a hammer and make it crumble.

Kirby Hat: Its black mask covering its face.

Kart: Another type of construction equipment, like a bulldozer.

Special Move: It will release a Gotchawrench to run along the track.

Spirit Battle: A horde battle on Wrecking Crew, with Spike appearing occasionally.

Victory Screen: Several of them will stand back to admire the high-rise they built.

Losing Screen: The building will crash down on top of it.

Color Swaps: Based on the eight vegetables from Ice Climbers, with the standard Eggplant, then Carrot, Cabbage, Zucchini, Corn, Turnip, Pumpkin, and Romaine Lettuce.

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's re-evaluate those pesky viruses from Doctor Mario.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Second Chance Round



No one is perfect, least of all me. For roughly three years, I combed over the Mario series with a fine-toothed comb, pinpointing each and every thing that each character could possibly do in a potential Smash moveset, and overall I think I did a pretty good job. But still, there are those questions, those rough patches, those insecurities that have been pestering and niggling at the back of my brain for the year or so since I finished: certain characters that I had turned down, but as time passed, my uncertainty over the decision grew more and more.

So, this is the second chance round. Below, I have compiled a list of all characters who have been bothering me. For the next couple of weeks, I will go through them, scouring over each of their personal appearances and giving them one more shot. If I say YES, they will be added to the roster immediately, complete with character card. If I say NO, that's it. They're done. I will never consider them again, barring new material adding heavily to them. On some occasions, I may even be left at a standstill and at that point, I will leave it up to a poll. Here they are:

1.       Eggplant Men

2.       Viruses

3.       Antottos from Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

4.       The Honeyqueen

5.       Bouldergeist

6.       Phantom from Mario + Rabbids

7.       The Megabug

8.       Hellen Gravely

9.       Boshi

10.   Queen Bean

11.   X-Nauts

12.   The Shadow Queen

13.   Elder Princess Shroob

14.   The clown girl that worked for Barney Todd (I can’t find her name so I’m going to have to pay attention when I watch the episode)

15.   Mark Twang

16.   Queen Rotunda

17.   Mermushroom

18.   Herlock Solmes

19.   Hooded Robin

20.   King James

21.   Old Gray Wolf

22.   The Plumbinator

23.   Count Zoltan Dracula

24.   Wooster

25.   King Windbag

26.   Iggy and Spike

27.   The Animal Buddies

28.   Taj

29.   Snide

30.   Cactus King & Ghastly King

31.   Kip and Kass

32.   The rest of the Tiki Tak Tribe

33.   The other major Snowmad species

34.   Snifits

35.   Hongo the Book Spirit

36.   Bandineros/Pirate Gooms/all those little similar enemy types from the Wario games

37.   Demon Head from Virtual Boy Wario Land

38.   The Golden Diva

39.   Dribble & Spitz/Kat & Ana split consideration

40.   The Black Jewel from Wario World

41.   Thief Wario from Wario: Master of Disguise

42.   Queen Merelda and the Merfles

And now, I leave it open for you. Down below in the comments, please toss out any more suggestions of any characters not listed here or in the current rosters you think deserve a second chance too and they will be added, within reason. Thank you, and tomorrow we will begin with the Eggplant Men of Wrecking Crew!

Tuesday, March 28, 2023

Darkmess Manta


With the success of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle, a sequel was inevitable. Sparks of Hope built on the same formula, but this time, took our heroes out into space, dealt with Rosalina, her Lumas, and a new cosmic foe named Cursa. The action starts when a giant manta ray made of a substance legally not referred to as Malice known as Darkmess. The heroes manage to climb aboard the back of this ray, and ride it all the way out to Cursa herself.

As you might expect, this stage will take place on the back of the manta itself as it flies through the cosmos. The wings will be constantly moving up and down, and certain areas will be hazardous to the touch. Meanwhile, players will be able to see many of the locales of the game in the background, including the WM ARC and Cursa in her gigantic form.

Potential theme:

Strikers Stadium


Now that Mario Strikers: Battle League has released, I am going to do something that will only ever be done on Stage Rosters, and only rarely, when it feels right, and that is to replace a stage. Up until now, The Underground represented the Mario Strikers series just fine, but Battle League presented us with a much more unique stage setup that fits the series more. In said game, every battle took place in a giant dome in space, with two halves of a field coming together in the middle, giving every game a unique setup with different hazards and aspects on either side.

This new stage will be set inside that globe, starting in the most basic setup of the stage. As the fight goes on, the stage may split, leaving a gap in the middle players can fall through, sometimes half of it will disappear entirely, cutting the fighting area in half, and sometimes new field layouts will appear with their own distinct hazards. For instance, the Bowser's Castle-based field will come with lava.

Potential theme:

Monday, March 27, 2023



Upon reaching the end of the Sunshine Temple, our heroes come across the captive spark in the clutches of the game's first regular boss, a giant Rabbid fused with a tiger, with a massive claw strapped to its arm.

This is a Wildclaw, a new type of enemy for the Mario + Rabbids series. Though the first appearance will be a boss, Wildclaws will have frequent appearances throughout the rest of the game as standard enemies, sporting such variations as the icy Deep Freeze, the chicken-wielding Magnafowl, and the water-type Riptide.

As a fighter, Wildclaws will be heavy and strong, but also quick and agile. Its moves will pull from its regular form's abilities as well as those used by its three main variations.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen.

Character Sheet: Wildclaw


With the addition of Sparks of Hope, we now add on five new characters, including:

1. Beep-O

2. Rabbid Rosalina & Spark

3. Edge

4. Cursa

5. Wildclaw

And now, we finish with the Wildclaw, probably the only one out of the five I hadn't seen coming (or much less knew about going in but that's beside the point). While most of the enemies filled much the same roles as they had in the last game, Wildclaws were brand new tiger/big cat-looking Rabbids with a plethora of their own abilities.

Much like the other enemies, Wildclaws came with their own slight variants across the major areas of the game, most of whom came with their own abilities. The standard Wildclaws had big old claws that they could punch with, Deep Freezes could make shockwaves of ice around them, Magnafowls had rubber chicken weapons that they could use to draw in enemies, and Riptides had fish-shaped weapons that could splash opponents and got stronger with higher damage. They could also roll around and become giant bosses.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Wildclaw Slash

The Wildclaw will pull out its large claw and slash downward, dealing heavy damage and possibly burying opponents.

Side B: Riptide

The Wildclaw will pull out its fish gun and shoot a burst of water as a projectile. The shot will become stronger at higher damages.

Up B: Magnafowl

The Wildclaw will pull out its chicken weapon, squeeze it, and make it let out a call to draw nearby opponents in while also slightly lifting the Wildclaw into the air.

Down B: Blizzard Burst

The Wildclaw will pound the ground and cause a shockwave of ice to burst out in a circle around itself, freezing players.

Final Smash: Giant Wildclaw

The Wildclaw will grow into a giant and begin tromping around the stage while attacking with its weapons.

Entrance: It will roll onto the stage and get to its feet.

Taunts: Up, the Wildclaw will pump its claw into the air for a moment. Side, the Wildclaw will roll around in a ball for a moment. Down, the Wildclaw will lay down and stretch out like a cat.

Kirby Hats: The tiger part of the Wildclaw's head.

Kart: A giant rubber chicken car.

Special Item: It will unleash a blizzard blast in a circle around itself.

Spirit Battle: On Darkmess Manta, a team of three followed by a giant battle.

Victory Screen: The Wildclaw will crawl around, lay down, and go to sleep.

Losing Screen: The Wildclaw will flip over on its back in a death animation and disappear.

Color Swaps: Wildclaw, Deep Freeze, Magnafowl, Riptide, a white-furred Wildclaw, a red Deep Freeze, a yellow-furred Magnafowl, and a green Riptide.

Thanks for reading! Next, up, the character card, and then two new stages tomorrow. (I forgot about them when I was laying this out.)

Saturday, March 25, 2023



After Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle proved a rampant success, Nintendo and Ubisoft decided to keep up their partnership and produce a second game in the series, this time taking them into space and introducing newer more unique characters and stories. The game begins with Mario, Luigi, Peach, and their respective Rabbids hanging out in Peach's garden when a strange creature called a Spark appears, apparently on the run from something. That something proves to be a giant manta from outer space that takes the Spark and flies away. Our heroes go after it, riding the manta through space until it returns to its master, a huge cloaked figure seeking to capture and absorb the Sparks' power.

This is Cursa, a new and unique villain for the Mario + Rabbids franchise. Over the course of the game, Cursa is revealed to be a remnant of the Megabug from the first game, wandering through space until it found and possessed Rosalina, using her magic to become more powerful and hunting down the Rabbid/Luma combo Sparks.

As a fighter, Cursa will be slow but with really great reach and range. Its moveset will pull from its battles and abilities as shown in Sparks of Hope.

Likelihood rating: Could happen.

Character Sheet: Cursa


With the addition of Sparks of Hope, we now add on five new characters, including:

1. Beep-O

2. Rabbid Rosalina & Spark

3. Edge

4. Cursa

5. Wildclaw

Now, let's go on to the main villain of Sparks of Hope, a massive cosmic being extending his reach across the universe and swallowing it all up in Darkmess. It soon turns out that Cursa is Rosalina, possessed by the remains of the Megabug enemy from the first game, using her power for its own game. (A plot twist absolutely no one saw coming by the way. Nope. Did not figure that out almost immediately at all.)

Cursa mainly attacked with its massive extendible hands, sorta Master Hand-style, grabbing, punching, and pointing with incredible reach, draining foes of their life force, disorienting them with flashes when it blinks its eye, opening portals and hypnotizing foes. Certainly more than enough to mess around with.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Blink

Cursa will blink, causing a flash and disorienting a nearby opponent.

Side B: Reach

Cursa will extend its long arm out across the stage. The player then can input a second command to punch, wave, grab, or poke, using the control stick.

Up B: Portal

Cursa will disappear through one of its portals and then reappear in a new location.

Down B: Drain

Cursa will latch onto an opponent with one of its tentacles and start draining their life force from them, taking the energy into itself.

Final Smash: Darkmess

Cursa will grow up to its gargantuan size and start spreading Darkmess all over the stage, similarly to how Calamity Ganon would with his malice.

Entrance: Cursa will loom up out of the void.

Taunts: Up, Cursa will seem to awaken and Rosalina's eye will appear. Side, Cursa will flurry its tentacles in a rage. Down, it will open its hand with a spark in its palm.

Kirby Hats: Basically the hood surrounding Kirby's head with one of his eyes still visible.

Kart: A car based on the Darkmess Manta.

Special Item: Cursa will spread Darkmess across the track, functioning the same as Malice.

Spirit Battle: On Darkmess Manta, a giant battle.

Victory Screen: Cursa will hold all Sparks in its hand and look at them evilly.

Losing Screen: Cursa will cry out in pain and dissipate, leaving only Rosalina behind.

Color Swaps: It's normal purple, Rosalina's blue, Luma's yellow, Edge's black and green, Midnite's ghostly blue, Bedrock's pink, Daphne's green, and Darkmess purple and black.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a rather unexpected new enemy.

Friday, March 24, 2023



Now aware of Cursa's evil and its drive to hunt down the Sparks, our heroes climb aboard a space ship called the WM ARC, created by Beep-O and piloted by the new AI Jeannie. Their journey takes them to Beacon Beach, where a Spark is being hunted at the Sunrise Temple. Shortly after they're arrival, however, they start being followed by a mysterious goth Rabbid.

This is Edge. She will prove to be a valuable ally, helping save the Spark in the Sunrise Temple, and lending her large cleaver to the battle. She will avoid talking about her past, but it will soon come out that she was one of the Spark Hunters, Rabbids created by Cursa to hunt the sparks, but Edge chose to rebel against her directive.

As a fighter, Edge will be quick and clever, with strong attacks meant to strike players where it matters most. She will act as a color swap set for herself and her three Spark Hunter sisters, and her moveset will pull from all four's major battles.

Likelihood rating: Could happen.

Character Sheet: Edge


With the addition of Sparks of Hope, we now add on five new characters, including:

1. Beep-O

2. Rabbid Rosalina & Spark

3. Edge

4. Cursa

5. Wildclaw

Another major character brought into Sparks of Hope, we found a new Rabbid ally, this time in the form of Edge, an original Rabbid not based on a Mario character, created by the villain Cursa as a Spark Hunter alongside Midnite, Bedrock, and Daphne, but who rebelled against her master and joined the fight to save the Sparks instead.

This will be more of an amalgam of the four Spark Hunters, with Edge as the lead color swap and her sisters following after, their movesets pulling from all four's abilities. This includes Edge's throwing cleaver that she uses throughout her battles, Midnite's battle fan and her ability to warp, Bedrock's impressive strength and large blocks used to crush opponents, and Daphne's grabbing vines and poison attacks.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Throwing Blade

Edge will throw out her blade in a spinning toss, which will deal heavy damage before returning to her.

Side B: Bedrock Slam

The rabbid will gain Bedrock's gargantuan strength and slam down hard, creating a shockwave and burying anyone caught directly underneath.

Up B: Midnite Warp

The rabbid will glow with ghostly energy and warp to a new spot the way that Midnite does.

Down B: Daphne's Poison

The vines will take the place of our grapples, so here we'll place her poison attacks. A plant will grow and spew a dart of poison, racking up damage to opponents over time.

Final Smash: Spark Hunters

The four hunters will come together to bag their opponents, Edge slashing with her blade, Midnite appearing behind opponents and grabbing them, Bedrock slamming, and Daphne binding up with vines.

Entrance: She will drop in and spin her blade around.

Taunts: Up, she will spin her blade and toss it into the air. Side, she will cross her arms and turn away to look broody. Down, she will tend a Daphne vine.

Kirby Hats: Edge's hair, possibly a different hat for all four.

Kart: A car based on Bedrock.

Special Item: She will be able to throw her blade out as a boomerang attack.

Spirit Battle: On Darkmess Manta, Edge acting as an ally, Midnite, Bedrock, and Daphne as a team of enemies.

Victory Screen: She will toss her blade into the air and look quite proud of herself.

Losing Screen: The same defeat animation seen with the three evil Spark Hunters will play.

Color Swaps: Edge, Midnite, Bedrock, Daphne, Darkmess Edge, Darkmess Midnite, Darkmess Bedrock, Darkmess Daphne.

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover our new villain Cursa.

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Rabbid Rosalina & Spark


As our heroes continue their journey to Pristine Peaks, they find a young Rabbid girl being held captive by Edge's sister Midnite.

This is Rabbid Rosalina. She was created during the initial SupaMerge incident and had lived out in space, until Cursa attacked and she was saved by the Rabbid Captain Orion. After meeting the team, she agrees to go with them, determined to save her progenitor from Cursa's mind control.

As a fighter, Rosalina will be light and floaty, but a bit on the slow side. She will constantly have a Spark by her side, and her moveset will pull almost entirely from their abilities shown in game.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

Character Sheet: Rabbid Rosalina & Spark


With the addition of Sparks of Hope, we now add on five new characters, including:

1. Beep-O

2. Rabbid Rosalina & Spark

3. Edge

4. Cursa

5. Wildclaw

With all of the standard Mario + Rabbids stuff being well-represented by the Rabbid Mario slot, what better way to represent the Sparks mechanic than by mirroring Rosalina's relationship with Lumas with Rabbid Rosalina and the Sparks. Rabbid Rosalina is a lazy, but also sad and lonely Rabbid created to mimic Rosalina, and the Sparks are Rabbid Lumas, each coming with their own powers and abilities.

Across the game, the Sparks came with a number of abilities they could lend to the player, sometimes increasing stats like attack and defense, sometimes with elemental moves like fire, water, poison, shock, ice, and wind, reflect attacks with a mirror, repel enemies with a megaphone or attract them toward you, steal life force, rain down meteors, summon various enemies, and turn its user invisible. On top of all that, Rabbid Rosalina can put those around her to sleep as well.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Elemental Sparks

She will send out a Spark to deal and elemental attack. This has a random chance of being fire, water, poison, shock, ice, or wind, and will dole out the respective damage that element normally does.

Side B: Screech

Screech will come out with its megaphone and fire off a sonic blast, repelling opponents away from Rosalina.

Up B: Ennui

Rosalina will use her Ennui ability to send those around her to sleep, just like Jigglypuff. I figure Rosalina will be on the lighter aerial side to make up for it.

Down B: Reflector

Reflector will appear with his shield and protect Rosalina from attack.

Final Smash: Sparks of Hope

Glitter will come out and light up the stage, entrancing all opponents to stop and stare at it. Meanwhile, the most powerful sparks in the game, such as those ending in -geddon or -quake will come out and wreak havoc with their powers.

Entrance: She will look up from her book, annoyed, and slide off the couch.

Taunts: Up, the Sparks will swirl around her and make her smile. Side, she will slump and toss her hair aside. Down, she will go back to reading her book.

Kirby Hats: Rosalina's hat, but with Rabbid ears

Kart: The clouds ridden by some of the Sparks

Special Item: Screech will act as a more powerful horn.

Spirit Battle: On Darkmess Manta, with Rosalina.

Victory Screen: She will sit down as the sparks fly around her in celebration.

Losing Screen: She will look pouty and go back to reading her book.

Color Swaps: Herself, a yellow dress based on Starburst, a darker blue dress based on Reflector, a red dress based on Pyrostar, a black dress based on Exosphere, a cream dress based on Twinkle, a green dress based on Toxiquake, a purple dress based on Decibel. Also, the Rosalina skin from the old Rabbid Mario swap list could be replaced with a theoretical Rabbid Daisy.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover Edge and her Spark Hunter sisters.

Wednesday, March 22, 2023



Just to streamline things a bit for the return round, here's the character card. The story of Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle begins with a genius young inventor, only known as Genius Girl, having built a prototype for a SupaMerge, capable of combining two things into one. She is assisted in her work by a small robot that looks like a Roomba.

This is Beep-O. When the Rabbids invade Genius Girl's lab, Beep-O will be caught up in their mess and sucked with them all the way into the Mario universe. From there, he will become an ally to the Mario heroes and their four Rabbid knockoffs as they seek a way to undo the damage caused by the SupaMerge.

As a fighter, Beep-O will be small, without a whole lot of fighting prowess behind him, relying more on tricks and clever moves. His moveset will pull from his abilities demonstrated across both games.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

Character Sheet: Beep-O


With the addition of Sparks of Hope, we now add on five new characters, including:

1. Beep-O

2. Rabbid Rosalina & Spark

3. Edge

4. Cursa

5. Wildclaw

First up, we have Beep-O, the sassy little robot who acted as your cursor and tutorial guide throughout the first and second games. Although he didn't do much in the first game, the second gave him a set of abilities granted through specific sparks. These include the ability to fly like a helicopter, a sonic blast, a light beam that reveals secrets, and the ability to make plants grow. This, on top of the things he did in the first game, give him more than enough.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Sonic Blast

He will fire off his sonic blast attack that will act as a short range projectile.

Side B: Light Beam

He will cast his beam of light forward, causing a block of cover to appear just ahead of him that will linger for a short time.

Up B: Helicopter

He will launch into the air, using his ears as propellers and flying over the stage.

Down B: Plant Growth

He will cast his ability to make plants grow on the ground in front of him, making a tangle of vines to sprout and snag nearby players.

Final Smash: Worlds Collide

The washing machine from the start of the first game will appear, creating a vortex that will suck the players in and massively distort the stage for a short time.

Entrance: He will pop out of the washing machine.

Taunts: Up, he will cause his spring from the first game to spring loose. Side, he will scan with his light beam back and forth. Down, he will hide behind a block of cover.

Kirby Hats: Basically, Kirby will look like a little robot version of himself with bunny ears.

Kart: Basically just himself enlarged.

Special Item: Others who get to close to him will be sprung into the air.

Spirit Battle: He and a squad of three pulled randomly from all playable characters from either game on Ancient Gardens.

Victory Screen: His LED display will show little fireworks.

Losing Screen: He will break down and his spring will come loose.

Color Swaps: Himself, a red version of himself, a pink version of himself, a green version of himself, Jeannie, a blue version of Jeannie, an Edge-colored version of Jeannie, and a Bowser-colored version of Jeannie.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover the Sparks and use them through Rabbid Rosalina.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope


Today, let's cover Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope, a sequel to the rampant success of Kingdom Battle, this time taking our heroes on a journey across the galaxy to defeat a powerful entity named Cursa who is trying to spread Darkmess across the universe.

Starting with our protagonists this time, we have Mario, Luigi, Princess Peach, Rabbid Mario, Rabbid Luigi, and Rabbid Peach all returning from the previous game, with brand new players including Bowser, Rabbid Rosalina, and a mysterious individual named Edge. Most of the gameplay is much as you remember it, with each having guns, heat seekers, remote bombs, and the like, with cover they can hide behind and team launches to allow them to leap into the air. They all have distinct guns and abilities, such as Mario being able to attack in his line of sight, Rabbid Peach healing, Bowser having Mechakoopas, Rabbid Rosalina being able to put enemies to sleep, Rabbid Luigi weakening enemies, Peach creating shields, Rabbid Mario having boxing gloves, and Edge having a blade she can throw.

Our heroes are accompanied this time around by Sparks, basically Rabbid Lumas, all with different names, who all grant special abilities to the hero they're assigned to. These abilities include increasing attack power, reflecting attacks with a mirror, give burn effects, increase defense, splash with water, poison enemies around them, shock, repel enemies with a megaphone, freeze, turn its user invisible, rain meteors, create wind, attract enemies to it, steal life, summon an enemy as an ally (including Rabbid Kong), and revive fallen heroes. Three of these also give the robot Beep-O added abilities, including a sonic blast, light that reveals secrets, and the ability to make plants grow. He can also be used as a helicopter now.

As for our allies, we have a new robot named Jeanie, who takes up a bit of Beep-O's role with him being more active, and Rosalina, who can create portals and shields with the magic in her wand. Then there's smaller roles like Augie, Captain Orion, Woodrow, Sullivan, Bea, and Big Momma, who are all relevant in their own stages but don't have much to go on.

Our main villain is Cursa, a fragment of the Megabug from the first game, who fused with Rosalina and corrupted her, using her power to go after the Sparks. Cursa could create portals, reach out with its giant hands, hypnotize people, grab, drain energy, punch, point with a finger, wave its hand, and flash with a blink. Working under Cursa are the Spark Hunters, including Midnite, Bedrock, and Daphne (Edge is also revealed to be a former member). Midnite was a ghost who could warp and attack with a fan. Bedrock was a big bruiser who could stomp around, tussle, and slam a heavy object. And Daphne had power over plants, using vines and poison to attack.

Stooges take the place of Ziggies in this game and are basically the same, just with a different name (so I'll probably just make them color swaps). Scopers are wolf-based enemies that fire ranged shots, Medicians are the healers, and Squashers are the bruisers. Goombas, Bob-Ombs, Magikoopas, and Wigglers also appear in the game. The most notable new enemy though is the Wildclaw, massive tiger-based enemies that can punch, drop spikes of ice, roll around like a ball, suck enemies in with a rubber chicken, and fire off pulses of water. Darkmess, the substance used by Cursa that functions suspiciously similarly to Malice from Breath of the Wild, also crops up in various forms.

As for our stages, we see Peach's Castle early on, only for it to be attacked by a giant manta ray made of Darkmess. We then go to Beacon Beach that leads to the Sunrise Temple, Pristine Peaks that leads to Palette Prime, Terra Flora which leads to Barrendale Mesa, and finally Cursa's stronghold.

That's about it! Here's what we've got:


Mario: line of sight

Luigi: line of sight

Peach: shield

Rabbid Mario: boxing gloves

Rabbid Luigi: weaken

Rabbid Peach: heal

Rabbid Rosalina: sleep

Edge: throwing blade

Sparks: increasing attack power, reflecting attacks with a mirror, give burn effects, increase defense, splash with water, poison enemies around them, shock, repel enemies with a megaphone, freeze, turn its user invisible, rain meteors, create wind, attract enemies to it, steal life, summon an enemy as an ally revive fallen heroes

Beep-O: sonic blast, light, plants grow, helicopter


Rosalina: wand, portal, shield, crystal





Donkey Kong

Diddy Kong



Shy Guy

Bowser: mechakoopas

Bowser Jr.

Cursa: portals, reach, hypnotize, grab, drain, punch, point, wave, flash

Midnite: warp, fan

Bedrock: stomp, tussle, slam

Daphne: vines, poison

Stooge: Scopers, Medicians, Squashers





Wildclaw: punch, spikes of ice, roll, suck in, water pulse

Futbot/Super Team: Hyper Strike, Mushroom, Red Shell, Green Shell, Banana, Bob-Omb, Star


Galactic Strikers Federation

Lava Castle

Spooky Mansion

Jungle Retreat

Mushroom Hill

Royal Castle

Desert Ruin


Urban Rooftop

Peach's Castle

Darkmess Manta

Beacon Beach

Sunrise Temple

Pristine Peaks

Palette Prime

Terra Flora

Barrendale Mesa

Cursa's stronghold

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover our five newcomers that we just got, starting with a certain little robot!

Monday, March 20, 2023

Mario Strikers: Battle League


Welcome back to the Mario series, everybody! We'll just be coming back her for a few weeks, first to cover every Mario property that has come out since I finished, and secondly to give a possible second chance to a list of characters that have been knocking around my brain and making me question my own judgment ever since I finished. Before we get to that, though, let's do the new games first!

Mario Strikers: Battle League is a new entry in the Strikers series, based around football (or soccer for Yanks like me), and is the apparent third in a series of new revivals for old sports series. As such, I fully expect to see a new Sluggers game sometime soon, with Rosalina, Lumas, Pauline, Boom Boom, Pom Pom, Nabbit, and all of those random enemies that have seen playability in recent years, like Spikes, Chargin' Chucks, Ninjis, and Chain Chomps. Looking forward to it, Nintendo!

Our game came with a lot of the old favorites, including Mario, Luigi, Peach, Rosalina, Toad, Yoshi, Donkey Kong, Wario, Waluigi, and Bowser, with Shy Guy, Daisy, Pauline, Diddy, Bowser Jr., and Birdo as DLC later on, and Boom Boom as the goalie. There's also a little tutorial bot named Futbot, but he doesn't seem playable, and the Super Team already covers our representation here (maybe a Futbot-themed color swap?). The game play is pretty much as you used to know it, with the electrical gates covering the out-of-bonds regions, items such as the mushroom, banana, red shell, green shell, star, and bob-omb doing what you'd expect, and Hyper Strikes that function as the super move.

The stages this time all take place in this big dome out in space, where two halves are generated and combined at the start of each match, meaning each side of the stage has a different gimmick to it at different times. The possible combinations include Lava Castle, Spooky Mansion, Jungle Retreat, Mushroom Hill, Royal Castle, Desert Ruin, Planetoid, and Urban Rooftop, all about what they sound like.

Anyway, that's it for now! Here's what we've got:











Donkey Kong

Diddy Kong



Shy Guy


Bowser Jr.

Futbot/Super Team: Hyper Strike, Mushroom, Red Shell, Green Shell, Banana, Bob-Omb, Star


Galactic Strikers Federation

Lava Castle

Spooky Mansion

Jungle Retreat

Mushroom Hill

Royal Castle

Desert Ruin


Urban Rooftop

Thanks for reading! Next up, Mario + Rabbids: Sparks of Hope!

Saturday, March 11, 2023

Legend of Zelda Closing Remarks


And that's it. I have now covered all currently existing Legend of Zelda properties to the best of my knowledge. Obviously, at least one game will soon be coming out that I will have to go back to, but for now, let us enjoy being finished. I will be taking all of next week off from this (though you will likely notice me making some site rearrangements and organization), and then the next week I will return to the Mario series, cover everything new that has come out since I finished that series (Notably Mario + Rabbids and Mario Strikers, and we'll see if I have to wait for the movie or not), and I will do a little thing called the Second Chance Round, which I'll go into a bit more on that first Monday. Once I am finished there, I'll take another week, and begin Metroid! Thank you all for coming along this journey with me. May the Goddess smile upon you.

Legend of Zelda Victory Screens


And here's what their victory and losing screens might look like:

1.       Link: He will spin his sword and sheath it will the victory fanfare plays.

a.       He will fall away into darkness while letting out his death scream.

2.       Octorok: It will splash up into the air and then come back down and go back to hiding, waiting for a new target

a.       It will get hit by its own projectile and flop backwards in the water.

3.       Old Man: He will hold up a sword with text saying “I told you it was dangerous to go alone.”

a.       He will splay his hands and show text saying there is no more to sell.

4.       Moblin: It will shake its spear and dance around merrily.

a.       It will stumble and then fall over dead.

5.       Armos: It will stomp around for a few more seconds before calming down and going to sleep.

a.       It will start rapidly spinning and glowing before exploding.

6.       Great Fairy: She will hold up a bottle containing her opponent and toy with it.

a.       She will shake her head and dive back into her pool.

7.       Lynel: It will rear up on its hind legs and roar as lightning flashes behind it.

a.       It will collapse to its knees before disappearing in a puff of smoke.

8.       Stalfos: It will let out a battle cry as more and more Stalfos and Stalchildren rise around it.

a.       It will rattle for a second and then fall apart.

9.       Goriya: Its boomerang will come spinning back to it, and it will catch it and pocket it.

a.       It will get struck by its own boomerang, flip, and fall over on its back.

10.   Vire/Keese: It will laugh evilly, then burst into Keese and fly away.

a.       It will snarl,  burst into Keese, and then fly away.

11.   Dodongo: It will stomp angrily and breathe fire at the screen.

a.       Its stomach will explode and it will flip over, uncurling as if dead.

12.   Darknut: It will spin around its sword, put it up vertically, and then go back to a standing position.

a.       All of its armor will fall off and it will run away.

13.   Manhandla: Its heads will snap around happily and then start snapping at each other.

a.       All four heads will let out a death cry and flop over on the ground.

14.   Wizzrobe: It will laugh and dance around before disappearing into one of those teleportation spots from Majora’s Mask.

a.       It will freeze in place and then go up in flames.

15.   Gohma: It will release a bunch of eggs that will then hatch and swarm toward the player.

a.       It will lay flat on its back and curl up like a spider.

16.   Ganon: The screen will start to shake as he starts to grow bigger and bigger in a shadowy form.

a.       He will let out a wail as he is sealed away by the triforce once again.

17.   Princess Zelda: She will cast a light magic spell to vanquish all evil from Hyrule.

a.       She will be trapped inside of a giant crystal.

18.   Thunderbird: It will fly up and then slam down, striking the ground with its charged weapon.

a.       It will be struck, then pop off the screen like in the sidescrolling segments.

19.   Dark Link: He will let out a mischievous laugh and sink back into shadow.

a.       He will go down on one knee then sink into shadow.

20.   Agahnim: He will cast his spell on Zelda’s body and send her to the Dark World.

a.       He will collapse as a bat emerges from his body.

21.   Hylian Soldier: The soldier will raise his spear and say something to the effect of “For the Glory of Hyrule!”

a.       The soldier will clutch his chest and fall to his knee, saying he can’t go on.

22.   Poe: The Poe will laugh, then spin and disappear.

a.       The Poe will burn up in flames, leaving its soul behind.

23.   Sahasrahla: He will breathe a sigh of relief and say the land is safe once again.

a.       He will sit and look seriously as darkness starts to spread.

24.   Hinox: Seeing no more enemies around, it will lay back down to go to sleep.

a.       It will cover its eye, stumble backwards, and collapse to the ground.

25.   Monkey: A bunch of the monkeys will dance happily around each other.

a.       The monkey will struggle as it is tied to a burning stake.

26.   Marin: You will see a single seagull flying away from the battle.

a.       She will sit on her log sadly as nightmare effects happen around her.

27.   Nightmare: More and more nightmare effects will start happening across the screen.

a.       The Wind Fish will wake up and fly off into the sunrise.

28.   The Youth: The youth will rise in their beam of light once again.

a.       The Youth will collapse as text says you’ve run out of time, please try again next week.

29.   Din: She will dance as the Temple of Seasons rises from the ground once again.

a.       She will be bound by Onox and led away.

30.   Onox: He will laugh menacingly as the weather starts to become chaotic.

a.       He will collapse as the chaotic weather starts to calm.

31.   Maple: She will arrive back at her master’s house and hold up the ingredients she’d gathered.

a.       She will crash into the ground and all of her ingredients will go flying.

32.   Ricky: He will practice a few more boxing moves.

a.       He will lean against some ropes, looking defeated.

33.   Subrosian: A group of Subrosians will do their little dance club thing.

a.       The Subrosian will cover its face and go racing away.

34.   Captain Stalfos: He will stand at the prow of his ship as his flag unfurls behind him.

a.       He will stand for a second, then collapse into bones.

35.   Nayru: She will sit and sing as animals gather around her.

a.       She will seem to be possessed, then open her eyes and laugh evilly.

36.   Ralph: He will sheath his sword and boast that you were never a match for him.

a.       He will get a serious look on his face, draw his sword, and say there’s only one way.

37.   Veran: Her surroundings will start to change and her opponent will vanish from existence.

a.       The black tower will disappear as people start reappearing.

38.   Vaati: He will take on his demon form and spread across the land.

a.       He will be sealed inside the Four Sword sanctuary once again.

39.   Four Links: They will place the Four Sword back in its pedestal and merge once again.

a.       They will collapse, losing their grip on the Four Sword, and merge back into each other.

40.   Ezlo: He will be restored to his true self and accept the stolen hat back.

a.       He will slump down and turn into an ordinary hat.

41.   Picori: A bunch of Picori will celebrate together.

a.       The Picori will stand sadly before the shattered Picori Blade.

42.   Oshus & Ciela: Oshus will be restored to his true form and leap out of the water.

a.       Oshus will collapse from the strain as Ciela circles around him.

43.   Linebeck: The S.S. Linebeck will sail off into the distance.

a.       He will start making a bunch of excuses before running off.

44.   Jolene: She will stand proudly with Linebeck tied up.

a.       She will get angry and shout something about Linebeck being stupid.

45.   Bellum: All of its opponents will stand around it as statues.

a.       It will flop back into the water as the darkness clears away.

46.   Alfonzo: He will finish spit-shining the train and lean against it proudly.

a.       He will be carried away by guards injured.

47.   Cole & Malladus: Malladus will fully break free from his seal.

a.       Both will end up being sealed away again.

48.   Toon Zelda: She will be restored to her body and look down at herself.

a.       Her body will be taken over by Malladus and she will fade away.

49.   Byrne: He and Anjean will rise back to their homeworld together.

a.       He will clutch his stomach and fall to the ground defeated.

50.   Yuga: He will stand proudly before a wall of portraits of all his opponents.

a.       He will be trapped in one of his own paintings.

51.   Ravio: He will set up a new shop and sit down behind it.

a.       He will be trapped in a painting, his bag of money sitting outside of the painting.

52.   Princess Hilda: She will hold up a newly formed Lorulean triforce.

a.       She will collapse in defeat, her kingdom withering in darkness without a triforce.

53.   Madame Couture: She will hold up a new outfit and sing her little song.

a.       She will be stuck in Lady Maud’s bodysuit and struggle to get out of it.

54.   Lady Maud: She will spread her bodysuits to all of her opponents.

a.       She will pout and hold her rejected bodysuit to her.

55.   Yves: Music will play from Cadence of Hyrule, and Yves will dance to it.

a.       He will slump down as defeat music plays.

56.   Young Link: He will hold up the Kokiri Emerald as the victory fanfare plays.

a.       He will let out a scream as the world circles around, like in Majora’s Mask.

57.   Ganondorf: He will laugh maniacally as the triforce rises behind him.

a.       He will slump down in defeat and scowl at the camera.

58.   Saria: She will sit in a tree and hum her song.

a.       She will turn gray and hard like the Great Deku Tree did.

59.   Skull Kid: He will dance around and play with his two fairies.

a.       He will float upward, then the Mask will discard him and drop him to the ground.

60.   Deku Baba: It will chomp its opponent, shake its head around, and then spit them out.

a.       It will appear to be slashed, then a Deku Stick will appear on the ground.

61.   Deku Scrub: It will dance with the other members of its tribe.

a.       The Deku Scrub child’s mask will fall to the ground.

62.   Malon: She will smile and shake her head at her sleeping father.

a.       She will get back to work, with Ingo supervising her.

63.   Epona: She will rear and whinny happily before munching on some hay.

a.       Ingo will have a couple of men lead her away while she struggles.

64.   Impa: She will cross her arms and sit to meditate, nodding approvingly at the screen.

a.       She will put on a cloak like her older selves and turn away in shame.

65.   Happy Mask Salesman: he will reclaim Majora’s Mask and smile up at the camera.

a.       He will pick up his opponent and shake them angrily.

66.   Darunia: He will do his signature dance.

a.       He and other Gorons will be chased out of Dodongo’s Cavern by Dodongos.

67.   Lizalfos: It will slash around and then roar at the camera.

a.       It will let out a death cry and flop forward.

68.   Ruto: She will leap out of the water and twirl around.

a.       She will be frozen just like her father was.

69.   Sheik: She will strum a few notes on her harp then disappear in a puff of smoke.

a.       She will be forced down with her headgarb torn away to reveal her face.

70.   Nabooru: She and two guards will drop and twirl their spears.

a.       She will be pulled down into quicksand.

71.   Twinrova: The opponent will be sucked into quicksand as the witches fly around them.

a.       The witches’ souls will rise to heaven as they squabble.

72.   Beast Ganon: He will paw at the ground and let out a roar.

a.       He will let out an angry roar as he is sealed away forever.

73.   Chuchu: It will jiggle as if hit then shake it off and keep hopping.

a.       It will be struck by light and turned to stone.

74.   Gekko: It will dance around and cackle before hopping away to cause more mischief.

a.       It will turn back into a frog and hop away.

75.   Darmani: His spirit will be freed and he will rise to heaven.

a.       His body will be frozen in a block of ice.

76.   Mikau: He will belt out a riff on his guitar.

a.       His body will be floating listless in the water.

77.   Garo: It will twirl its swords and go back to waiting for its next opponent.

a.       It will bow in honor then go up in flames.

78.   Majora: The moon will hit the ground and everything will fade to white.

a.       The giants will appear and push the moon back into the sky.

79.   Toon Link: He will hop and dance around excitedly the way she does.

a.       He will be floating facedown in water as the King of Red Lions floats up.

80.   Tetra: She will twirl and holster her sword and gun, leaning back as if it was too easy.

a.       She will be turned to stone as if by Bellum.

81.   Bokoblin: The Bokoblin will dance around with its club in the air.

a.       It will get shot by an arrow and tumble off a lookout tower.

82.   Toon Ganondorf: He will press his hand to the Triforce and it will start to glow.

a.       He will turn to stone with the Master Sword stabbed in his head.

83.   King Daphnes: He will press his hand to the Triforce as water starts crashing in.

a.       He will start to glow and fade away.

84.   Beedle: He will hold up a bag of rupees and say “Thank you!”

a.       He will let out a groan and complain about how heavy you are.

85.   Medli: She and her ancestor will play their harps together.

a.       She will look up in concern as the ground shakes and Valoo’s roar echoes.

86.   Makar: He and his ancestor will strum their lutes together.

a.       He will look around and find himself lost in the forest.

87.   Ilia: She will smile as the village kids all dance around her.

a.       A group of Bulblins will pick her and the kids up and take them away.

88.   Bulblin: A group of them will dance around and wave their clubs in the air.

a.       It will get hit in the chest by an arrow and flip over backwards.

89.   King Bulblin and Lord Bulbo: He will heft his opponent into the air tied to his spear.

a.       He will say he follows the strongest side, and bow to you.

90.   Wolf Link: He will transform back into Link and shake his head.

a.       He will wake up with one paw chained to the ground.

91.   Midna: She will rest on her side and grin mischievously.

a.       She will drop to the ground, over-exposed to sunlight.

92.   Zant: He will take his place on the throne of the Twilight Realm.

a.       He will stomp on the ground, throwing his little tantrum.

93.   Hero’s Shade: His golden wolf form will sit and howl out a song.

a.       He will say you have learned all he can teach, and disappear in light.

94.   Agitha: A swarm of bugs will swirl around her as she studies them all.

a.       She will look sadly as she picks up a bug that’s been stepped on.

95.   Yeto/Yeta: Yeto will cradle Yeta in his arms as hearts surround them.

a.       The yeti will stare transfixed in the shard of the mirror.

96.   Twili Midna: She will turn and smile at the camera, like in her initial reveal.

a.       She will fall over as she is hit by Zant’s curse.

97.   Groose: He will brush back his pompadour and look very pleased with himself.

a.       He will stand with his back to the camera and his head down while moping.

98.   Fi: She will nod then turn back into a sword and take her place in the pedestal.

a.       She will cry out as cracks start to spread across her body.

99.   Ghirahim: He will get up uncomfortably close to the camera and lash out his tongue.

a.       He will be sealed away back into his sword.

100.                       Mogma: The Mogma will go back to digging its holes like nothing bothered it.

a.       It will struggle as it is dangled by chains above the ground.

101.                       Ancient Robot: A group of them will brush off a brand-new time stone.

a.       You will just see the deactivated remains of an ancient one.

102.                       Demise: He will clench his fist as the world goes up in flames.

a.       He will be sealed back in the Sealed Grounds once again.

103.                       Volga: He will lash around his ponytail and then breathe fire into the air.

a.       He will let out a roar as he goes up in flames.

104.                       Wizzro: He will laugh wickedly then attack the camera with a Wallmaster.

a.       He will be sealed back into his ring which will fall to the ground.

105.                       Lana: She will close up her spellbook and stand courageously.

a.       She will run as a horde of Cuccos emerge from her summoning gate.

106.                       Cia: She will do her “whole body feel-up” thing from her victory screen.

a.       Lana will hold her as her body disappears.

107.                       Linkle: She will stumble over a couple of cuccos and look embarrassed.

a.       She will look over her map and look really confused.

108.                       Tingle: “Tingle Tingle Poof!” with a burst of fireworks.

a.       His balloons will pop and he will drop into oblivion.

109.                       Uncle Rupee: He will sit on the most luxurious couch imaginable with a servant waving a palm leaf over him.

a.       He will sit in an alley in rags.

110.                       Pinkle: She will be broken free of her containment and reunite with her mother.

a.       She will wave and go through her pre-recorded lines from inside the device.

111.                       Aba: She will get a hug from both Junglo and the Blacksmith.

a.       She will look angry and run away in confusion.

112.                       Oinker: A group of them will perform some form of tribal dance.

a.       It will be engulfed in a fight cloud and disappear into a jumble of rupees.

113.                       Yamori: He will slip back into hiding and disappear.

a.       He will leap out of his hiding spot and run away.

114.                       Tingle’s Troupe: The three will engage in some slapstick hijinks with each other.

a.       The three will dangle from a precipice and fall.

115.                       Segare: He will grab the princess and take off with her.

a.       He will be disgraced, look around angrily, and slip away.

116.                       Majiyo: She will suck up all the Feropon she can and start to glow.

a.       She will fall over with Segare standing over her.

117.                       Wild Zelda: She will take a breath, then spot a frog and go after it.

a.       She will say “I must save everyone” and then end up engulfed in light.

118.                       Wild Link: A couple of spirit orbs will surround him and then go into him.

a.       He will tumble down a hit, turning red with every hit, until the screen goes dark and says Game Over.

119.                       Old Man Rhoam: He will sit and rest at a fire, chuckling a little bit.

a.       He will lower his head, start to glow, and disappear.

120.                       Ancient Guardian: It will look around for other targets, then go to sleep again.

a.       It will start to glow and explode.

121.                       Calamity Ganon: Calamity will engulf everything, and you will see his pig head roar.

a.       He will let out a final screech and then all of the calamity will evaporate.

122.                       King Rhoam: He will start to glow and disappear, passing on.

a.       He will slump down and fall, overwhelmed by opposing forces.

123.                       Yiga Footsoldier: They will spin their weapon and then teleport away.

a.       It will make ready to attack, and then be taken out by a boulder released from stasis.

124.                       Hestu: He will do a little dance then hold up the Korok seed trophy.

a.       He will look down, a little disappointed.

125.                       Wild Impa: She will perform a calming pose then put her hat back on.

a.       Old Impa will look serious and say something about how she failed that day.

126.                       Wild Fairies: The fairies will get up close to the camera and come in for a smooch.

a.       They will look indignant, tuck back into their pod, and close it up.

127.                       Purah & Robbie: They will both perform their signature poses.

a.       Their invention will break down and both will scratch their heads in uncertainty.

128.                       Sidon: He will pose with his thumb up as his teeth sparkle.

a.       He will go down on one day and say he has failed you, Mipha.

129.                       Mipha: She will nod, then glow and start to pass on.

a.       The scene of her death on Vah Ruta will play out.

130.                       Yunobo: He will stumble and rub his head a little bit before getting back up.

a.       He will look up at Death Mountain, determined to fix his mistake.

131.                       Daruk: He will laugh and slap his opponent on the back.

a.       His death scene on Vah Rudania will play out.

132.                       Teba: He will kneel and say something about his family name being redeemed.

a.       He will sit on a boardwalk and look over his broken bow.

133.                       Revali: He will brush his feathers back and say it was too easy.

a.       His death scene on Vah Medoh will play out.

134.                       Riju: She will pet Patricia and say “We did it!”

a.       She will say “I’m sorry, Lady Urbosa.”

135.                       Master Kohga: He will down a bunch of bananas and rub his belly happily.

a.       He will rage out and throw a tantrum for a moment before teleporting away.

136.                       Urbosa: She will cross her arms, say well done, and start to pass on.

a.       Her death scene on Vah Naboris will play out.

137.                       Monk Maz Koshia: He will take his place on his pedestal and challenge you to try again.

a.       “May the Goddess Smile Upon You,” then disappear.

138.                       Terrako: It will start to rock and play “Zelda’s Lullaby.”

a.       It will start to spark and shut down.

139.                       Sooga: He will twirl his swords and stash them away before crossing his arms.

a.       He will be engulfed in Malice just like his fellows.

140.                       Astor: He will laugh as Malice spreads around him.

a.       He will find himself being consumed by Calamity Ganon and scream for mercy.

141.                       Manga Link: He will hold out his arm for his parrot and grin at him.

a.       He will turn away and leave Hyrule to become a wanderer.

142.                       Manga Zelda: She will look proud and hold up the Triforce of Wisdom.

a.       Her dead body will fall into lava and disappear.

143.                       Biri: He will hold up his sword and say “I will protect you, princess.”

a.       He will be injured and have to be left behind.

144.                       Ganos: He will hold up Zelda in a crystal with one hand and the Triforce in the other

a.       He will be struck by a Triforce blast and disappear into nothing

145.                       Com: She will come out in her dress and curtsy with a smile.

a.       She will stumble backwards and fall over.

146.                       Ganon’s Minion: He will stand before Ganon’s altar and start to resurrect him.

a.       Ganon’s arm will burst from his chest and use him as a vessel for resurrection.

147.                       Gump: He will appear in a circle of downed opponents and sheath his sword.

a.       Link and his parrot will give him a burial.

148.                       Shemlon: He will laugh proudly and pat his son on the back.

a.       He will watch as his village burns to the ground.

149.                       TV Link: He will cheer and shout out that Zelda likes him.

a.       He will cross his arms and say, “Well, excuuuuuuuse me, Princess.”

150.                       TV Zelda: She will clasp the Triforce of Wisdom and say the kingdom is safe.

a.       She will stomp her foot and blame Link for some reason.

151.                       TV Ganon: He will hold up both Triforces and laugh maniacally.

a.       He will fall into a bottomless pit trapped in a bubble.

152.                       King Harkinian: He will sit back and drink a goblet of wine.

a.       He will be led away bound.

153.                       Sing: She will rear up on her Pegasus and hold out her daggers.

a.       She will reach out with her hand as her Pegasus is led away by Moblins.

154.                       Sleezenose: He will stash the Master Sword in his bag and get away.

a.       He will get a trap sprung in his face just like in the episode.

155.                       Doof & Automaton: Doof will cheer excitedly, accidentally making the automaton fall apart again.

a.       His automaton will fall completely to pieces despite his efforts to stop it.

156.                       Water Monster: The monster will splash back down into a puddle as the fairies cheer.

a.       All the water in the fairies’ lake will dry up entirely.

157.                       Queen Seline: She will open the vase and be restored to her full powers.

a.       She will pull at chains from inside a dungeon.

158.                       Ganon’s Heart: He will laugh and merge back into Demon Ganon’s body as his host is unleashed.

a.       He will melt into shadow and disappear.

159.                       Roam: He will press the silver arrow against his heart and say his mission is complete.

a.       He will fall down, slain, and say he has failed.

160.                       Riruto: He will hug his girlfriend and twirl her around.

a.       He will fall to the ground, killed by his enemies.

161.                       Haggis: He will laugh as he absorbs the power of Ganon.

a.       His body will explode, overwhelmed with power.

162.                       Gonza: He will grin, brushing back his hair and crossing her arms.

a.       He will stumble down and hand back the spoils he stole.

163.                       Kala: She will kick back against her partner and twirl some spoils of the battle.

a.       She will turn and make a quick getaway.

164.                       Raska: He will look a little smug and say, “Beat that, Link.”

a.       He will stomp his foot and look away, being too stubborn to admit defeat.

165.                       Captain Arjuna: He will sheath his sword and say, “Job well done.”

a.       He will stumble away injured, tapping open a secret passage and slipping inside.

166.                       Tou: He will punch his fist into the air and stand heroically.

a.       He will bind up his wounds and say he’ll have better luck next time.

167.                       Rouro: He will take off flying into the air and laugh about how great it feels.

a.       He will fall from the sky and crash-land into a lake.

168.                       Sir Raven: He will help the little village girl plant some new crops.

a.       He will protect the little village girl as the Black Tower rises above them.

169.                       Ghanti: She will hold up some spoils and grin before making her getaway.

a.       She will sit curled up and looking sad and heartbroken.