Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Second Chance Round



No one is perfect, least of all me. For roughly three years, I combed over the Mario series with a fine-toothed comb, pinpointing each and every thing that each character could possibly do in a potential Smash moveset, and overall I think I did a pretty good job. But still, there are those questions, those rough patches, those insecurities that have been pestering and niggling at the back of my brain for the year or so since I finished: certain characters that I had turned down, but as time passed, my uncertainty over the decision grew more and more.

So, this is the second chance round. Below, I have compiled a list of all characters who have been bothering me. For the next couple of weeks, I will go through them, scouring over each of their personal appearances and giving them one more shot. If I say YES, they will be added to the roster immediately, complete with character card. If I say NO, that's it. They're done. I will never consider them again, barring new material adding heavily to them. On some occasions, I may even be left at a standstill and at that point, I will leave it up to a poll. Here they are:

1.       Eggplant Men

2.       Viruses

3.       Antottos from Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins

4.       The Honeyqueen

5.       Bouldergeist

6.       Phantom from Mario + Rabbids

7.       The Megabug

8.       Hellen Gravely

9.       Boshi

10.   Queen Bean

11.   X-Nauts

12.   The Shadow Queen

13.   Elder Princess Shroob

14.   The clown girl that worked for Barney Todd (I can’t find her name so I’m going to have to pay attention when I watch the episode)

15.   Mark Twang

16.   Queen Rotunda

17.   Mermushroom

18.   Herlock Solmes

19.   Hooded Robin

20.   King James

21.   Old Gray Wolf

22.   The Plumbinator

23.   Count Zoltan Dracula

24.   Wooster

25.   King Windbag

26.   Iggy and Spike

27.   The Animal Buddies

28.   Taj

29.   Snide

30.   Cactus King & Ghastly King

31.   Kip and Kass

32.   The rest of the Tiki Tak Tribe

33.   The other major Snowmad species

34.   Snifits

35.   Hongo the Book Spirit

36.   Bandineros/Pirate Gooms/all those little similar enemy types from the Wario games

37.   Demon Head from Virtual Boy Wario Land

38.   The Golden Diva

39.   Dribble & Spitz/Kat & Ana split consideration

40.   The Black Jewel from Wario World

41.   Thief Wario from Wario: Master of Disguise

42.   Queen Merelda and the Merfles

And now, I leave it open for you. Down below in the comments, please toss out any more suggestions of any characters not listed here or in the current rosters you think deserve a second chance too and they will be added, within reason. Thank you, and tomorrow we will begin with the Eggplant Men of Wrecking Crew!

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