Monday, March 6, 2023

Sir Raven


Himekawa continued on to do adaptations of Majora’s Mask and the two Oracles games, Majora and Seasons not offering up many new characters, but Oracle of Ages adding in the plot element of Link meeting and fighting alongside his ancient ancestor in Past-Hyrule, a heroic knight leading the rebellion against Queen Ambi’s tyrannical rule.

This is Sir Raven, a Hyrulean knight who came to Labrynna and watched as Veran-possessed-Nayru twisted Ambi’s mind and influenced her into enslaving her people and forcing them to construct her black tower, becoming the leader of the resistance against her.

As a fighter, he will be very similar in most of his stats to Link, also heavily relying on his swordwork. His moveset will pull from his demonstrated sword abilities as well as a few other abilities such as his love for fishing and the mystery seeds he taught the young girl Roperi to plant.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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