Saturday, March 25, 2023

Character Sheet: Cursa


With the addition of Sparks of Hope, we now add on five new characters, including:

1. Beep-O

2. Rabbid Rosalina & Spark

3. Edge

4. Cursa

5. Wildclaw

Now, let's go on to the main villain of Sparks of Hope, a massive cosmic being extending his reach across the universe and swallowing it all up in Darkmess. It soon turns out that Cursa is Rosalina, possessed by the remains of the Megabug enemy from the first game, using her power for its own game. (A plot twist absolutely no one saw coming by the way. Nope. Did not figure that out almost immediately at all.)

Cursa mainly attacked with its massive extendible hands, sorta Master Hand-style, grabbing, punching, and pointing with incredible reach, draining foes of their life force, disorienting them with flashes when it blinks its eye, opening portals and hypnotizing foes. Certainly more than enough to mess around with.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Blink

Cursa will blink, causing a flash and disorienting a nearby opponent.

Side B: Reach

Cursa will extend its long arm out across the stage. The player then can input a second command to punch, wave, grab, or poke, using the control stick.

Up B: Portal

Cursa will disappear through one of its portals and then reappear in a new location.

Down B: Drain

Cursa will latch onto an opponent with one of its tentacles and start draining their life force from them, taking the energy into itself.

Final Smash: Darkmess

Cursa will grow up to its gargantuan size and start spreading Darkmess all over the stage, similarly to how Calamity Ganon would with his malice.

Entrance: Cursa will loom up out of the void.

Taunts: Up, Cursa will seem to awaken and Rosalina's eye will appear. Side, Cursa will flurry its tentacles in a rage. Down, it will open its hand with a spark in its palm.

Kirby Hats: Basically the hood surrounding Kirby's head with one of his eyes still visible.

Kart: A car based on the Darkmess Manta.

Special Item: Cursa will spread Darkmess across the track, functioning the same as Malice.

Spirit Battle: On Darkmess Manta, a giant battle.

Victory Screen: Cursa will hold all Sparks in its hand and look at them evilly.

Losing Screen: Cursa will cry out in pain and dissipate, leaving only Rosalina behind.

Color Swaps: It's normal purple, Rosalina's blue, Luma's yellow, Edge's black and green, Midnite's ghostly blue, Bedrock's pink, Daphne's green, and Darkmess purple and black.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a rather unexpected new enemy.

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