Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Hall of Motone


So, the Oath of Riruto’s a weird one: an OC fanfic from someone who clearly wanted to write Dragon Ball but was writing for Legend of Zelda, with brand-new characters and only loose connections to the core Zelda cast, primarily when Riruto briefly dies and ends up in a spirit world not unlike the afterlife where Goku trained with King Kai.

This will be based around that area, probably with Motone’s temple and mirror that looks into the world of the living, but with the main fighting area being the arena where Riruto fought a duel against a . . . I think it was a Lizalfos Darknut? Either way, flat arena to duel in, with thin barriers on the sides.

Potential theme: I just used my one joke song, so I got nothing for this one.

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