Friday, March 24, 2023

Character Sheet: Edge


With the addition of Sparks of Hope, we now add on five new characters, including:

1. Beep-O

2. Rabbid Rosalina & Spark

3. Edge

4. Cursa

5. Wildclaw

Another major character brought into Sparks of Hope, we found a new Rabbid ally, this time in the form of Edge, an original Rabbid not based on a Mario character, created by the villain Cursa as a Spark Hunter alongside Midnite, Bedrock, and Daphne, but who rebelled against her master and joined the fight to save the Sparks instead.

This will be more of an amalgam of the four Spark Hunters, with Edge as the lead color swap and her sisters following after, their movesets pulling from all four's abilities. This includes Edge's throwing cleaver that she uses throughout her battles, Midnite's battle fan and her ability to warp, Bedrock's impressive strength and large blocks used to crush opponents, and Daphne's grabbing vines and poison attacks.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Throwing Blade

Edge will throw out her blade in a spinning toss, which will deal heavy damage before returning to her.

Side B: Bedrock Slam

The rabbid will gain Bedrock's gargantuan strength and slam down hard, creating a shockwave and burying anyone caught directly underneath.

Up B: Midnite Warp

The rabbid will glow with ghostly energy and warp to a new spot the way that Midnite does.

Down B: Daphne's Poison

The vines will take the place of our grapples, so here we'll place her poison attacks. A plant will grow and spew a dart of poison, racking up damage to opponents over time.

Final Smash: Spark Hunters

The four hunters will come together to bag their opponents, Edge slashing with her blade, Midnite appearing behind opponents and grabbing them, Bedrock slamming, and Daphne binding up with vines.

Entrance: She will drop in and spin her blade around.

Taunts: Up, she will spin her blade and toss it into the air. Side, she will cross her arms and turn away to look broody. Down, she will tend a Daphne vine.

Kirby Hats: Edge's hair, possibly a different hat for all four.

Kart: A car based on Bedrock.

Special Item: She will be able to throw her blade out as a boomerang attack.

Spirit Battle: On Darkmess Manta, Edge acting as an ally, Midnite, Bedrock, and Daphne as a team of enemies.

Victory Screen: She will toss her blade into the air and look quite proud of herself.

Losing Screen: The same defeat animation seen with the three evil Spark Hunters will play.

Color Swaps: Edge, Midnite, Bedrock, Daphne, Darkmess Edge, Darkmess Midnite, Darkmess Bedrock, Darkmess Daphne.

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover our new villain Cursa.

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