Saturday, March 4, 2023



Later on, Riruto will come across his second companion, a spunky girl who blocks their way with a shapeshifting ferret for a pet and a wise friend named Cho who supplies them with a few handy items.

This is Kala, who will at first antagonize Riruto and Gonza, attacking them with her ferret and later making Riruto pass a test to walk across an invisible bridge over a pit of lava, but later joining them and proving a valuable ally against Haggis.

As a fighter, she will be fast but also heavy hitting on her own, but will also heavily rely on her ferret to shapeshift into both a giant worm and a flying dragon. Her moveset will include all of that, some of her other demonstrated moves, and Cho’s fancy rope trick.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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