Friday, March 3, 2023



I don’t even know how to describe this one. Basically in 1994, a writer was hired to write a manga set in the world of Zelda, but he decided to set it a generation after Link and Zelda and Ganon’s whole adventure, with completely original characters on a completely original adventure that our main trio only cameo in. The main character of these is a young boy who stumbles across the Master Sword while climbing around a mountain with his friends.

This boy is Riruto, whose childhood friend Kalin is kidnapped as part of a plan to resurrect Ganon, leading to Riruto being killed trying to rescue her, after which he is trained by Link in the spirit world on how to wield the Master Sword.

As a fighter, I imagine Riruto will be similar to Link, but with faster, brasher attacks that have a bit more force behind them. His moveset will be similar to Manga Link’s but with a few more things specific to his manga.

Likelihood rating: Non-game

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