Thursday, March 2, 2023



Another one-off character came in the form of a two-timing thief passing through Hyrule. He initially appears as an old man being robbed by a gang of thugs, for whom Link swings in heroically to rescue before being swindled into swapping his sword for a fake.

This is Sleezenose, a master con-artist with possibly the most ridiculous nose ever put to fiction. He sells off Link’s sword to Ganon, before being swindled and betrayed by the dark wizard, being forced to join forces with Link and Zelda and set up traps to get the sword back.

As a fighter, Sleezenose will prefer to stay out of the fight as much as possible, using sneaky methods to fight his enemies from afar. His moveset will pull from his own demonstrated abilities as a thief, his hired thugs paid to pretend to rob him, and the pranks he helps Link and Zelda set up.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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