Thursday, March 2, 2023

Water Monster


In one episode, Princess Zelda’s father, King Harkinian, attempts to build a large water park for his people to enjoy and cool off in the warm summer. Unfortunately, in the middle of its construction, the crew is attacked and scared away by giant monsters made of water.

These water monsters are eventually revealed to be created by the king of the fairies and his subjects, the people of Link and Zelda’s companion Spryte. The water the park had been pulling from had unwittingly been draining from a magical spring in the fairy world, and the fairies had been enchanting the water to fight back against whoever was taking it.

As a fighter, the water monster will mostly take the form of the large humanoid monster seen several times, though it will be fluid and shift into other shapes with each move, its moveset pulling from all the attacks and monsters that appear in the episode. Spryte, her father, and the other fairies will be constantly flying around the monster, using their magic to keep its shape.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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