Monday, March 27, 2023

Character Sheet: Wildclaw


With the addition of Sparks of Hope, we now add on five new characters, including:

1. Beep-O

2. Rabbid Rosalina & Spark

3. Edge

4. Cursa

5. Wildclaw

And now, we finish with the Wildclaw, probably the only one out of the five I hadn't seen coming (or much less knew about going in but that's beside the point). While most of the enemies filled much the same roles as they had in the last game, Wildclaws were brand new tiger/big cat-looking Rabbids with a plethora of their own abilities.

Much like the other enemies, Wildclaws came with their own slight variants across the major areas of the game, most of whom came with their own abilities. The standard Wildclaws had big old claws that they could punch with, Deep Freezes could make shockwaves of ice around them, Magnafowls had rubber chicken weapons that they could use to draw in enemies, and Riptides had fish-shaped weapons that could splash opponents and got stronger with higher damage. They could also roll around and become giant bosses.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Wildclaw Slash

The Wildclaw will pull out its large claw and slash downward, dealing heavy damage and possibly burying opponents.

Side B: Riptide

The Wildclaw will pull out its fish gun and shoot a burst of water as a projectile. The shot will become stronger at higher damages.

Up B: Magnafowl

The Wildclaw will pull out its chicken weapon, squeeze it, and make it let out a call to draw nearby opponents in while also slightly lifting the Wildclaw into the air.

Down B: Blizzard Burst

The Wildclaw will pound the ground and cause a shockwave of ice to burst out in a circle around itself, freezing players.

Final Smash: Giant Wildclaw

The Wildclaw will grow into a giant and begin tromping around the stage while attacking with its weapons.

Entrance: It will roll onto the stage and get to its feet.

Taunts: Up, the Wildclaw will pump its claw into the air for a moment. Side, the Wildclaw will roll around in a ball for a moment. Down, the Wildclaw will lay down and stretch out like a cat.

Kirby Hats: The tiger part of the Wildclaw's head.

Kart: A giant rubber chicken car.

Special Item: It will unleash a blizzard blast in a circle around itself.

Spirit Battle: On Darkmess Manta, a team of three followed by a giant battle.

Victory Screen: The Wildclaw will crawl around, lay down, and go to sleep.

Losing Screen: The Wildclaw will flip over on its back in a death animation and disappear.

Color Swaps: Wildclaw, Deep Freeze, Magnafowl, Riptide, a white-furred Wildclaw, a red Deep Freeze, a yellow-furred Magnafowl, and a green Riptide.

Thanks for reading! Next, up, the character card, and then two new stages tomorrow. (I forgot about them when I was laying this out.)

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