Thursday, March 9, 2023

Zelda Multimedia Adventure Mode


Opening: We start out in the world of Oath of Riruto, following Riruto, Gonza, and Kala as they travel around the world, going on all kinds of epic adventures. The three sit down for a picnic and chat about some of those adventures when suddenly a bright light appears in the sky nearby and something drops to the grounds. Our heroes rush to the scene to find a warrior in strange clothing lying in a crater. The man wakes up, sees the Master Sword in Riruto’s hand, looks confused at his face, and asks if he is Link. Riruto and his friends bind up the man’s injuries and make camp for the night.

While he sleeps, Riruto has a vision of the soul of Link on the other side. Link tells him that this stranger is an omen of bad things to come, a man from another universe with another Link completely different from himself, pulled from his world by accident and dumped into their world as a result of the machinations of some sinister being. He instructs Riruto that he will be able to find a temple nearby, one that acts as a border between universes, and that he should use it to find three Links and three Zeldas, each in possession of one of the three Triforces, to stop this great evil from happening.

Riruto is shaken awake by Gonza and Kala, the camp surrounded by hordes of enemies. The three fight hard, the stranger still out, and manage to hold their own. The leader of the band steps forward, a strange cloaked figure in a mask who calls himself the humble minion of Ganon. He sees the Master Sword in Riruto’s hand, expresses a moment of confusion at him not being Link, then attempts to take it from Riruto. He is blocked by a sudden sword strike, the stranger having woken up and come to Riruto’s defense.

We then get a boss battle with the three heroes and the stranger fighting Ganon’s Minion. After he is defeated, the minion disappears in a puff of dark smoke, and the stranger introduces himself as Sir Raven. He tells them that in his world, he is the ancestor of a Link who wielded the Master Sword, hence his confusion toward Riruto. He agrees to travel with them to the temple in Riruto’s dream, hoping to return home. They travel to this temple and Riruto uses the Master Sword to open a doorway to another universe.


The heroes emerge in a different universe, in the middle of the throne room of Hyrule Castle. A young guard calling himself Biri is confused by their appearance and brings them before his princess, the Princess Zelda. Riruto and his friends explain themselves, and their goal to find a Link and a Zelda in possession of the Triforce of Courage. Zelda and Biri look at each other awkwardly. They then tell the story of their world’s Link, Zelda, and the triforce, how the current Zelda was actually the ancestor of the Zelda they might be looking for, how her descendant had been tragically killed by Ganon’s forces, and Link had left Hyrule shortly after throwing the triforce into the bottom of a lake.

Our heroes decide to go searching for Link, hoping things would fall into place from there. Biri joins them on their quest, heading up to the last place Link, Zelda, and the triforce were seen, a volcanic region where Ganon’s forces once gathered. Along the way, you can come across a forgemaster named Shemlon and a wolfen warrior hiding his identity, both of whom you can recruit thanks to sidequests. At Ganon’s lair, they find a young bird boy named Rouro unconscious at the feet of a giant statue. When he doesn’t recognize anything around him, the heroes deduce he has been displaced just like Sir Raven.

A figure in a cloak appears at the top of the statue, telling the heroes that if they are looking for Link, they should head through the woods to the left. This leads to a few levels following clues left behind by our wayward Link. Finally you come to a camp, where a young man with a talking parrot has been living for several years, keeping a low profile. He at first denies being Link, but soon confesses that he gave up being a hero when all of his actions resulted in the deaths of people he cares about. The cloaked figure that sent the heroes in his direction emerges from the trees, telling him that that’s not the Link she knows. She removes her hood and reveals herself as the Princess Zelda, having been restored to life when Link threw the triforce in the lake (If Gump has joined your party, he will reveal that he was revived by the same magic as well), and she reveals the Triforce of Courage from under her cloak.

Hordes of minions will appear from the trees the moment the triforce is revealed. A pig demon leading them will step from the trees, laughing and saying he knew that if he trailed their party long enough, he’d find what he was looking for. He introduces himself as Ganon, but none of the assembled heroes recognize him as such. He tells his minions to get the triforce, leading to the next boss battle. The moment he is defeated, he disappears in a puff of black smoke just like Ganon’s Minion. Link, reunited with his long-lost Zelda, agrees to go along with them.


Our heroes return to the temple between universes, placing the Triforce of Courage in its place on the pedestal, opening up the second door to yet another universe, leading them to a, to them, far too animated and colorful universe than their own, in the courtyard of a large castle. Before they can get their bearings, this new world’s Link and Zelda storm into the courtyard, bickering and pestering each other, Link constantly making passes at Zelda and Zelda constantly telling off Link for random things she finds problems with. The Link and Zelda from the previous universe feel uncomfortable just watching them.

Riruto steps up between them and tells them off, cutting off their argument. Realizing all these strangers are in their courtyard, they immediately go on the offensive, leading to a short battle before our heroes get this Link and Zelda to settle down and explain what they are doing there. TV Zelda mentions that she has the Triforce of Wisdom and that it’s kept in Link’s bedroom. They head up there only to find a lion-like warrior calling himself Ganos stealing it. They try to fight him, but he spews toxic smoke to paralyze them and vanishes from the window before they can.

TV Zelda tells off TV Link for leaving it unguarded, while everyone else figures out what to do. TV Link’s fairy Sprite suggests that if Ganos is going to take the triforce anywhere, it will probably be to Ganon’s Lair in the underground. TV Link and Zelda lead them out to the nearest entrance. Around this time, you can explore the world of this universe, encountering a visiting warrior named Sing, a handyman named Doof, a thief named Sleezenose, and a group of fairies who bring a water monster to life, all of whom can be recruited. You can also encounter a warrior named Roam, likewise displaced from his universe just like Sir Raven and Rouro.

Once you find your way into the Underground and work through the dungeon down there, you will come to Ganon’s Lair, the Ganon this Link and Zelda know nowhere to be found, but his description matching the one the heroes just recently fought. They find Ganos waiting there for them, admiring both the power afforded him by the triforce and the magic jar from which he can summon all manner of forces. A boss battle starts, after which Ganos disappears in a puff of black smoke as well, our heroes retaking the Triforce of Wisdom.


Our heroes return once again to the temple, placing the Triforce of Wisdom in place and opening the third door. They pass through and find themselves in the castle town of a new Hyrule. They head up to the castle and present themselves to the Zelda there, currently in the company of the captain of her guard, named Arjuna, and a young boy named Raska. Zelda mentions that Link went on a voyage many years ago and has not yet returned, but that they too have been made aware of this current situation.

A young girl appears from behind a pillar, introducing herself as Ghanti. She, Raska, and Arjuna both explain that they had all gone on similar journeys with Link into the mysterious dark world, but not with each other, and that she was displaced from her world just like Sir Raven, Rouro, and Roam. Zelda says that the Triforce of Power was last seen in the Dark World, Link having used its power to save everyone from Ganon.

This leads to the heroes having to run around and gather the seven descendants of the sages once again, in order to open the path to the Dark World to find it. Here we get some character interactions, including Raska having no patience whatsoever for TV Link and Zelda’s antics and calling them false heroes like he would have his old friend, and Ghanti noticing the romantic interactions between both pairs of Links and Zeldas, something Biri notices seems to be a sore spot for her and leading him to comfort her.

When the path to the Dark World is opened, our heroes pass through, much of the Dark World acting as a dungeon until they get to the pyramid where the triforce was last seen. Once there, they find TV Ganon, Ganon’s Minion, and Ganos all gathered, each using their power to take hold of the triforce, leading into a battle with them. After defeat, TV Ganon attempts to use his own Triforce of Power to pull this world’s triforce to himself, but his triforce is shattered. A third Link appears, the old friend of this world’s Zelda, Raska, and Arjuna. He smiles at his friends and asks if they missed him.

We then get another full on three-foe battle with the villains, ultimately ending in their defeat, the three once again disappearing in smoke. Riruto is once again visited by a vision of his own Link, telling him to take this triforce back and place it in the temple, which will fix the rifts between the universe.

Our heroes return as one to the temple, placing the third triforce in position. The temple starts to rumble and shake as Riruto’s Link appears in the middle of the three triforces, thanking Riruto for all of his help, and that he couldn’t have done this without him. Our third Link, having just had an experience of his own with things not being as they seem, warns the others that that Link’s not real as its face warps into that of Ganon’s Heart, smiling and thanking them for gathering three triforces that don’t belong together, a contradiction powerful enough to summon his true form from Hell.


His dark power floods the temple, revealing it as a sanctuary keeping his power contained. Portals open all over the room, sucking the heroes in and scattered them across multiple universes. Riruto awakens in a strange universe completely unlike any other Hyrule he’s ever been in, a world of humans and elves with a heavy amount of discrimination between the two. As he wanders about, he is accosted by a young thief who steals his pack full of food. Riruto stops her and takes his food back, immediately identifying her as a girl despite her boyish clothing. The girl apologizes and introduces herself as Com, and after some questioning, Riruto figures out that she has been time-displaced too.

Figuring that finding this world’s version of Link and Zelda is the only way they’re going to figure all this out, Riruto and Com make their way to the castle and find the pair. Explaining who they are and what they are doing there, Link and Zelda immediately recognize the being described as the Ganon of their world, a much more powerful and demonic Ganon than is found in any other universe. Zelda believes that if they are going to get back to their own worlds, they have to use the method Ganon’s Heart used to get to their world.

The four travel down into Hell, where Demon Ganon had been sealed away. Along the way, we have such interactions as Com piecing together parts of Link and Zelda’s stories and realizing that the pair are half-brother and sister, making them both suddenly really awkward with each other. Upon finding a portal to the Temple Between Worlds down in Hell, surrounded by Demon Ganon’s fog, with a voice proclaiming that to pass through, one must face their darkest demons.

Riruto steps inside and finds himself alone without his companions. His former nemesis Haggis appears before him, telling him its been a long time and challenging him to a duel. This leads to a tough one-on-one fight between Riruto and Haggis. Once Riruto succeeds, Haggis vanishes and he finds himself back in the Temple Between Worlds, with Com and Mishouzaki Link and Zelda by his side.


This next stretch of the game is a massive world-hopping adventure as Riruto and his companions travel around the various worlds of Himekawa’s mangas, accessible through the new portals, tracking down their lost friends and re-recruiting them until they are all back together and finding the true portal back to Demon Ganon.

You then work through the Temple Between Universes as a final dungeon, each room containing runes detailing the story of every manga, with lots of images pulled straight from the pages as fun Easter Eggs to read through. When you reach the end, you engage in a boss battle with Demon Ganon and his heart, defeating him and sealing him back away.

With the demon defeated, the temple disappears, leaving behind portals back to each group’s own world. Our heroes bid farewell to each other, and are about to part, when Riruto is struck by a vision by his real Link this time, warning Riruto that something much worse is about to happen. When he wakes from the vision, he finds the group surrounded by five Ganons, all glowing with dark energy and malice, all smiling at the four Zeldas in the group and saying that these three will be lovely additions to their collection.

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