Monday, March 6, 2023



Though many mangaka would take up the mantle to write manga adaptations of the series, one would ultimately rise above the rest and seemingly become Nintendo’s go-to author, Akira Himekawa. He would start his tenure in the role with an adaptation of Ocarina of Time. This adaptation would not yield up any new characters, that game being chock-full of rich characters as it is, that is, until you get to a little bonus chapter, wherein Link accidentally fishes a small bird-person out of a lake.

This is Rouro, the prince of the Watarara tribe, a race of bird people, sort of Proto-Ritos if you will. He failed to make his wings sprout during his coming-of-age ceremony, falling into the lake and getting lost. Link and Navi help him learn to fly despite his . . . ahem, brattiness toward them.

As a fighter, he will be a flyer, similar to Medli, Revali, and Teba, albeit with a bit of punch to his attacks due to his petulant nature. His moveset will pull from his own flying ability and the various items he uses to make life difficult for Link and Navi.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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