Friday, March 3, 2023

Ganon's Heart


One of the weirdest adaptations came in the form of the manga written by Yuu Mishouzaki. Among other changes, Ganon was portrayed as a nigh all-powerful demon raised from hell by a forbidden romance. After he was defeated in the first adaptation, he created an avatar based on his nemesis to break him free once again.

This is Ganon’s heart, a version of Dark Link that combines him with Ganon and makes him a sort of reptilian shape-shifting creature who steals Link’s sword and merges it into himself in order to bring his master back to life.

As a fighter, he will be a bit more unpredictable, with a shapeshifting play style and long tentacles that give him an extensive reach. His moveset will pull from both his own abilities and his demonic creator’s.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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