Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Character Sheet: Impa


Now we begin probably our largest run of character sheets yet, sure to only be topped by Pokemon when we get there. At our standard rate, it'll take about ten weeks, but well worth the time and effort with lots of beloved and memorable characters being covered here. Let's begin:

1.       Young Link

2.       Toon Link

3.       Wild Link

4.       Wolf Link

5.       Hero’s Shade

6.       Tetra

7.       Sheik

8.       Impa

9.       Midna

10.   Fi

11.   Saria

12.   Darunia

13.   Daruk

14.   Ruto

15.   Mipha

16.   Nabooru

17.   Urbosa

18.   Medli

19.   Revali

20.   Makar

21.   Malon

22.   Happy Mask Salesman

23.   Beedle

24.   Ilia

25.   Yeto/Yeta

26.   Groose

27.   Mogma

28.   Ancient Robot

29.   Monkey

30.   King Daphnes

31.   King Rhoam

32.   Great Fairy

33.   Ganondorf

34.   Toon Ganondorf

35.   Beast Ganon

36.   Calamity Ganon

37.   Skull Kid

38.   Majora

39.   Zant

40.   Ghirahim

41.   Demise

42.   Twinrova

43.   Bokoblin

44.   Octorok

45.   Lizalfos

46.   Darknut

47.   Bulblin

48.   King Bulblin

49.   Wizzrobe

50.   Poe

51.   Deku Scrub

52.   Deku Baba

53.   Chuchu

54.   Armos

55.   Garo

56.   Yiga Footsoldier

57.   Lynel

58.   Hinox

59.   Gohma

60.   Dodongo

61.   Gekko

62.   Master Kohga

63.   Ancient Guardian

Today, let's cover my single favorite Legend of Zelda character of all time, and that's saying something in a franchise with characters like Midna, Tetra, Groose, and Ghanti running around. Impa has an . . . interesting history, to say the least. She first appeared in the instruction booklets for Zelda I and II as a frail old nurse of Zelda who managed to escape Ganon and get Link started on his journey. She made her game debut in Ocarina of Time, once again as Zelda's nurse, but with more of a younger battle-hardened warrior woman aspect to her. This duality of the character would crop up time and time again, with both young and old versions of her appearing, sometimes even in the same game.

Despite her prominent role and generally implied badassery, we don't have too much to go on for her moves yet, most of her active role being played offscreen protecting Zelda while Link is adventuring. We do see her disappear in the same way that Sheik does, she is the one to teach Link Zelda's Lullaby, and she provides him with the Lens of Truth item. In Skyward Sword, she does project a magical shield at one point as well. Honestly, until we hit the Hyrule Warriors games, we may have to settle for her being at least a semi-clone of Sheik, which is fitting as it's implied she is where Zelda learned said form's moves.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Needles

Her broadswords or naginata are obviously going to have some role in this slot eventually, but for now, I could see her being Zelda's supplier for them.

Side B: Shield of Light

This one will be our variant for now, with Impa holding up her hand and projecting a strong force field of light to protect her from projectiles, as seen in Skyward Sword.

Up B: Vanish

Same as Zelda. She was seen using it in the same way after all.

Side B: Zelda's Lullaby

Obviously, she won't transform as an alternative, and she will probably use the Ocarina of Time instead of Sheik's harp to play the song.

Final Smash: Lens of Truth

The Sheikah Strike is always a good alternative, and I'm sure there's a few Hyrule Warriors attacks we can consider. However, for now, I think we might make use of her iconic item. I don't know if it would work out or not, but a possibility is that she will turn invisible. The lens of truth will pop up in the foreground, under the control of her opponents, giving them a couple of seconds to reveal her before she launches a strike on all of them.

Entrance: She will appear from a smoke bomb.

Taunts: Up, she will flick her ponytail out of the way (assuming she has the style seen with both her Skyward Sword and Hyrule Warriors appearances). Side, she will close her eyes and take on a meditative stance. Down, a puff of smoke will transform her into her elderly version.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the Twilight Princess herself, Midna!

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