Friday, May 20, 2022

Character Sheet: Nabooru


Now we begin probably our largest run of character sheets yet, sure to only be topped by Pokemon when we get there. At our standard rate, it'll take about ten weeks, but well worth the time and effort with lots of beloved and memorable characters being covered here. Let's begin:

1.       Young Link

2.       Toon Link

3.       Wild Link

4.       Wolf Link

5.       Hero’s Shade

6.       Tetra

7.       Sheik

8.       Impa

9.       Midna

10.   Fi

11.   Saria

12.   Darunia

13.   Daruk

14.   Ruto

15.   Mipha

16.   Nabooru

17.   Urbosa

18.   Medli

19.   Revali

20.   Makar

21.   Malon

22.   Happy Mask Salesman

23.   Beedle

24.   Ilia

25.   Yeto/Yeta

26.   Groose

27.   Mogma

28.   Ancient Robot

29.   Monkey

30.   King Daphnes

31.   King Rhoam

32.   Great Fairy

33.   Ganondorf

34.   Toon Ganondorf

35.   Beast Ganon

36.   Calamity Ganon

37.   Skull Kid

38.   Majora

39.   Zant

40.   Ghirahim

41.   Demise

42.   Twinrova

43.   Bokoblin

44.   Octorok

45.   Lizalfos

46.   Darknut

47.   Bulblin

48.   King Bulblin

49.   Wizzrobe

50.   Poe

51.   Deku Scrub

52.   Deku Baba

53.   Chuchu

54.   Armos

55.   Garo

56.   Yiga Footsoldier

57.   Lynel

58.   Hinox

59.   Gohma

60.   Dodongo

61.   Gekko

62.   Master Kohga

63.   Ancient Guardian

This one's almost running on the same logic as the previous four, except that, for the Gerudo, there are only three worthy of a slot here, and unlike Darunia and Ruto, no pre-Breath of the Wild character was included in the first Warriors game. So, in the end, this will be Nabooru's established moveset and won't be shifted to a different character later. However, for now, Urbosa will still remain her semi-clone until then.

The Gerudo are introduced in Ocarina of Time as an all-female race of thieves living in the desert, led by Ganondorf, their only male for a hundred years. Nabooru acts as his right hand, though secretly working to betray him and overthrow his reign of terror, later revealed to be the Sage of Spirit. The Gerudo as a whole also present a distinct gimmick, Link not being allowed into their fortress due to being male, requiring him to sneak or disguise himself to get through in most games. They often wield twin blades or spears, slashing or guarding with them. Nabooru's temple also provides Link with the iron gauntlets, and she is later brainwashed to fight as an Iron Knuckle (though most of that can be saved for the Darknut moveset). Urbosa and Riju also add in lightning-based abilities and walrus-surfing, though those will likely be the semi- part of all this.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Iron Gauntlets

Nabooru will grab an opponent with them, holding them tight and doing damage to them. This ties into the item Link gains for her temple, as well as her Iron Knuckle guise.

Side B: Gerudo Spear

She will pull out a spear just like those used by the guards and strike forward hard with it, spearing anyone in her way.

Up B: Desert Cyclone

She will spin with her swords, whipping up a tornado around her and spinning into the air. This will combine the tornadoes around the desert outside her temple, as well as her own blades.

Down B: Guard

She will cross her swords in front of her to block an attack, just as the Gerudo guards would.

Final Smash: Intruder Detected

An alert will sound, as several more Gerudo guards drop onto the stage around her. They will then enter a cutscene where they all strike the target in shadow, ending with the character finding themselves in a jail cell before being launched.

Entrance: She will drop down onto the stage like a Gerudo guard would.

Taunts: Up, she will put up her spear and look around like a guard would. Side, she will spin her twin blades around. Down, she will sit and rest from the heat for a minute.

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's cover her Breath of the Wild counterpart, Urbosa!

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