Monday, May 9, 2022

Character Sheet: Tetra


Now we begin probably our largest run of character sheets yet, sure to only be topped by Pokemon when we get there. At our standard rate, it'll take about ten weeks, but well worth the time and effort with lots of beloved and memorable characters being covered here. Let's begin:

1.       Young Link

2.       Toon Link

3.       Wild Link

4.       Wolf Link

5.       Hero’s Shade

6.       Tetra

7.       Sheik

8.       Impa

9.       Midna

10.   Fi

11.   Saria

12.   Darunia

13.   Daruk

14.   Ruto

15.   Mipha

16.   Nabooru

17.   Urbosa

18.   Medli

19.   Revali

20.   Makar

21.   Malon

22.   Happy Mask Salesman

23.   Beedle

24.   Ilia

25.   Yeto/Yeta

26.   Groose

27.   Mogma

28.   Ancient Robot

29.   Monkey

30.   King Daphnes

31.   King Rhoam

32.   Great Fairy

33.   Ganondorf

34.   Toon Ganondorf

35.   Beast Ganon

36.   Calamity Ganon

37.   Skull Kid

38.   Majora

39.   Zant

40.   Ghirahim

41.   Demise

42.   Twinrova

43.   Bokoblin

44.   Octorok

45.   Lizalfos

46.   Darknut

47.   Bulblin

48.   King Bulblin

49.   Wizzrobe

50.   Poe

51.   Deku Scrub

52.   Deku Baba

53.   Chuchu

54.   Armos

55.   Garo

56.   Yiga Footsoldier

57.   Lynel

58.   Hinox

59.   Gohma

60.   Dodongo

61.   Gekko

62.   Master Kohga

63.   Ancient Guardian

Tetra is my single favorite rendition of Zelda throughout the entire series. She is a spunky young pirate girl Link meets when his sister is kidnapped by a giant bird. Tetra allows him passage aboard her ship, and then acts as a bit of a questionable ally throughout the game, Link never quite certain whether he can trust her or not. In the end, she is taken to the sunken kingdom of Hyrule, where her true heritage is revealed as the true heir of Princess Zelda.

Throughout the game, she and her pirates demonstrate a number of abilities that can all be attributed to her. First off, she carries around a cutlass and a blunderbuss on her at all times (though she doesn't seem to ever actively use them, we'll have to wait until Hyrule Warriors for that). Then her ship can fire cannonballs, comes with raising platforms, ropes to swing on, and a catapult, and she can also carry around a spoils bag and bombs. When she embraces her identity as Zelda, she gains access to the arrows of light.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Blunderbuss

She will pull out her gun and fire off a shot after spinning it around a couple of times. She can fire off several in succession with subsequent taps.

Side B: Arrow of Light

She will be able to fire an arrow of light, nearly identically to Zelda's own move, giving them a tie to one another.

Up B: Catapult

Her ship's catapult will appear under her and launch her into the air, in the same way Link was launched into the Forsaken Fortress. A second jump while in the air will cause a rope to appear and allow her to swing herself forward.

Side B: Spoils Bag

This will function practically identically to Villager's pocket ability, with Tetra able to plunder various projectiles sent her way and store them in her bag.

Final Smash: Ship's Cannons

Her ship will appear in the background, with most of her crew aboard, and they will begin bombarding the stage with cannons.

Entrance: She will flip onto the stage with her weapons in hand.

Taunts: Up, she will toss her blunderbuss and cutlass into the air to switch hands. Side, she will cross her arms and wink at the player. Down, she will stab her cutlass into the ground to show she means business. Also, her Pirate's Charm has possibilities for a secret taunt between her, Toon Link, and the King of Red Lions, but as none are voiced, it would be difficult in mere reading form.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a second rendition of Princess Zelda: Sheik!

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