Thursday, May 12, 2022

Character Sheet: Midna


Now we begin probably our largest run of character sheets yet, sure to only be topped by Pokemon when we get there. At our standard rate, it'll take about ten weeks, but well worth the time and effort with lots of beloved and memorable characters being covered here. Let's begin:

1.       Young Link

2.       Toon Link

3.       Wild Link

4.       Wolf Link

5.       Hero’s Shade

6.       Tetra

7.       Sheik

8.       Impa

9.       Midna

10.   Fi

11.   Saria

12.   Darunia

13.   Daruk

14.   Ruto

15.   Mipha

16.   Nabooru

17.   Urbosa

18.   Medli

19.   Revali

20.   Makar

21.   Malon

22.   Happy Mask Salesman

23.   Beedle

24.   Ilia

25.   Yeto/Yeta

26.   Groose

27.   Mogma

28.   Ancient Robot

29.   Monkey

30.   King Daphnes

31.   King Rhoam

32.   Great Fairy

33.   Ganondorf

34.   Toon Ganondorf

35.   Beast Ganon

36.   Calamity Ganon

37.   Skull Kid

38.   Majora

39.   Zant

40.   Ghirahim

41.   Demise

42.   Twinrova

43.   Bokoblin

44.   Octorok

45.   Lizalfos

46.   Darknut

47.   Bulblin

48.   King Bulblin

49.   Wizzrobe

50.   Poe

51.   Deku Scrub

52.   Deku Baba

53.   Chuchu

54.   Armos

55.   Garo

56.   Yiga Footsoldier

57.   Lynel

58.   Hinox

59.   Gohma

60.   Dodongo

61.   Gekko

62.   Master Kohga

63.   Ancient Guardian

Here's to yet another one of my favorite characters, Midna is more or less the main non-playable character of Twilight Princess, the titular princess in question who ruled over the Twili of the Twilight Realm. She was overthrown by Zant, backed with power from Ganondorf, and transformed into an imp. She then allied herself with Link, using him to get her throne back and acting as your tutorial character like Navi and Fi.

Throughout the game, Midna performs a number of moves and supplies you with certain moves all related to the Twilight Realm. First off, she has prehensile hair that she can use to grab and throw things. She can teleport and warp from place to place. She can float in midair, warp large objects independent of herself, and hide in shadows. During the final battle, she uses her hair to stab Zant and transforms into a giant monstrous form to break down Ganon's shield. Finally, she is restored to her more humanoid form in the end, with at least one demonstrated ability to shatter the Mirror of Twilight with a single tear.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Hair Grab

Her hair will snap forward and grab an opponent, tossing them high into the air. It's a pretty iconic move, so . . .

Side B: Twilight Warp

She will summon in a large object that she warped in from somewhere else (I'm partial to the bridge) and drop it down on someone directly in front of her.

Up B: Teleport

The standard Twilight warp animation seen whenever Link and Midna travel from place to place. She will teleport a certain distance into the air.

Down B: Shadow

She will hide inside a shadow for a short time in order to avoid a hit.

Final Smash: Fused Shadow

She will don the Fused Shadow Mask collected throughout the game, transforming her into her monstrous tentacled form, letting out a cry of rage when she does so. Hundreds of tendrils will then sprout from her and stab into any enemy unlucky enough to be standing in the direction she's facing.

Entrance: She will form from twilight with the standard animation.

Taunts: Up, she will spin upwards like when she's explaining something to you. Side, she will float in a resting position, similar to Dedede or certain French girls. Down, she will get a big grin on her face and snicker.

Thanks for reading! Next up, another tutorial companion, Fi from Skyward Sword.

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