Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Character Sheet: Mario & Luigi


Today, we begin our newcomers. I did say going into this that the RPGs would likely be the last shot for many of the frequent enemies you wouldn't expect to see on a Smash roster, but what I didn't expect was that the RPGs would actually come through for a lot of them. At least one I thought was never going to happen in a million, billion years. But here we are. The first ten are all Mario regulars who finally took the step up to playable. The other sixteen are originals to the Mario & Luigi games (or Origami King) specifically.

1. Toadsworth

2. Captain Toad

3. Buzzy Beetle

4. King Bob-Omb

5. Pokey

6. Ninji

7. Thwomp

8. Whomp

9. Mechakoopa

10. Nabbit

11. Mario & Luigi

12. Prince Peasley

13. Prince Dreambert

14. Olivia

15. King Olly

16. Broque Monsieur

17. Massif Bros.

18. Cackletta

19. Fawful

20. Princess Shroob

21. The Dark Star

22. Antasma

23. Midbus

24. Shroob

25. Popple

26. Durmite/Wisdurm

Today, we'll be covering Mario and Luigi. Now, I know, I know, we already have a Mario and a Luigi and several other variants in between. Isn't it a bit extraneous to just have them both working as a pair. So, I guess to be more specific, this is Mario & Luigi as they appear in the Mario and Luigi RPG series, with moves based entirely on their tag-team abilities in those games, and stylized to look like the game series' distinct style. Their star companion Starlow will also be a technical third member of the team, as she will fly around them and appear in a number of moves and taunts.

Across the games, the brothers have a butt-ton of moves to work with, and I will do my best to sort them out for you. They have base moves like jumping and swinging their hammers, and they can also use hand-abilities like shooting fireballs and lightning. They can switch around which brother is in the front, which can then affect which abilities they can perform. For instance, with Mario behind Luigi, he can put fire to Luigi's back and make him run faster. But in the reverse way, Luigi can electrify and paralyze Mario and pull him backwards. They can also perform various jumps, like the Spin Jump to spin on top of each other, or the high jump to bounce off of each other. They can also either smack each other with a hammer to make them tiny and then smack them around like a ball, or bury them underground at which point they can then pop up under an item or unsuspecting enemy. They also have a ton of Super-Moves to be used in battle, any one of which can be utilized as the "Final Smash." Honestly, it's a take-your-pick on that one.

Here's the moveset I've come up with:

Standard B: Fire Bros. OR Thunder Bros.

My concept for them is almost two separate movesets. Pressing Down B will switch whichever brother is up front, and then they will have different moves across the board. Much like Min Min, A and B will function to control the different brothers in that state, A controlling the one up front, so that his Standard A move will utilize his fire or lightning as a mere projectile, but the B will control the one in the back. With Mario in the back, he will light a fireball on Luigi, giving him a boost of speed. Luigi in the back will let him freeze up Mario and move him around as a human shield and give them added defense.

Side B: Ball Bros. OR Dig Bros.

Side A will make use of the brothers' hammers, just swinging them around with little difference. Side B, however, if Luigi is in the back, he will smack and shorten Mario and then smack him in the butt, sending him flying forward as a ball. If Mario is in the back, he will send Luigi straight into the ground. Luigi will stay that way until you press up, at which point he will fly up out of the ground, striking any walking over him.

Up B: Spin Jump OR High Jump

If Luigi is in the back, he will jump up on top of Mario and the pair will spin in the famous spin jump. If you just press the command, they will raise and spin side to side, though you can make them fly upward with another upward press, or send them into a side drill with a sideways press. If Mario is in the back, Luigi will pull out a spring cap and let Mario hop on top of him and send him flying skyward.

Down B: Switch Bros.

Basically, this will just switch them.

Final Smash: Bros. Attack

Honestly, there are soooooooo many fitting for a final for them, and I honestly have no idea which to pick from the large number of them. So, my stance is, pick your favorite. I have a few, like the one where they fire a bunch of fireballs into a massive meteor that then slams down on the enemy, or the one where they hop into a bunch of pipes and fire them off. It's possible it could be different based on who's in front like the other moves. Whichever you pick.

Entrance: They'll rise from the ground in one of those big pipes with the two sets of footprints on them.

Taunts: Most of their victory poses are fun. Up could be their victory screen with them punching the air and saying "Go Weegee, Go Weegee." Side could have Starlow fly around them and pull at Luigi's mustache. Down, could have both brothers fall asleep and Starlow float around them like she can't believe they're sleeping at a time like this.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we'll cover the dashing prince of the Beanbean Kingdom, Prince Peasley!

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