Friday, September 24, 2021

Character Sheet: Baby Kong


Now, we have finished the television series, and we have SO many characters to cover, from all across the spectrum. There are a few characters here and there that might get a few upgrades to their movesets, mostly being the Donkey Kong cast (one example, I think Klump should absolutely have a Klaptrap gun now). But, there are so many that are so distinct from their game counterparts, I could only make a brand new slot for them. They are:

1.     Beezo

2.     Flurry

3.     Rex

4.     Tryclyde

5.     TV Mario

6.     TV Luigi

7.     Tommy Treehugger & Co-MC

8.     Evil Eric & Tammy Treehugger

9.     Princess Toadstool

10.  TV Toad

11.  Bones Bailey

12.  Oogtar

13.  King Koopa

14.  Robo Koopa

15.  TV Koopalings

16.  Wizenheimer

17.  Clovis

18.  Barney Todd

19.  Master Brian

20.  Kid Dynamo

21.  Dr. Demise

22.  Gorilla Ghost

23.  Mervin the Magician

24.  Genie

25. Brutius Maximus Grouchimus

26.  Captain Clump

27.  Bunsen

28.  Hercufleas

29.  Salvador Drainado

30.  Sergeant Kooperman

31.  Flab Boys

32.  James Blonde

33.  Vampa White

34.  Zero

35.  Captain Abidab

36.  Mugga the Medicine Woman

37.  Misaki

38.  Waldo the Wizard

39.  Quirks

40.  Queen Mushroomkhamen

41.  Wizard King of the West

42.  Junior

43.  Mighty Plumber

44.  Crime Wave Clyde

45.  Dino Riders

46.  Candy Kong

47.  Bluster Kong

48.  Eddie the Mean Old Yeti

49.  Baby Kong

50.  Kong Fu

51.  Metal Head

52.  Captain Skurvy

Today, we have Baby Kong. This one's a little tough to explain. Baby Kong appears in only two episodes of the series, "Ape Foo Young" and "Baby Kong Blues." In the first, Donkey Kong accidentally drinks a youth serum and gets transformed into a baby. In the second, Baby Kong is an entirely separate Kong that Donkey Kong offers to babysit to impress Candy. Same character model, referred to by the same name, everything. Personally, I believe that the second episode was supposed to be the introduction of Kiddy Kong into the series, but maybe they didn't have or weren't allowed the budget to construct a whole new character model, so they just put in one they already had and hoped no one was paying attention hard enough.

Either way, across the two episodes, we see this walking continuity error ride around on a vacuum cleaner, punch hard enough to send someone flying, grab and throw, cry and throw a tantrum loud enough to cause a small earthquake, bite, and throw things around all over the place. It's not much, but it's there. Maybe we can get Seth Rogen to voice him, since apparently that's an option now.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Giant Punch

Naturally, being the child version of Donkey Kong (maybe), this move will be brought with him. The baby will wind up a massive punch and then unleash it.

Side B: Vacuum Cleaner

He will start up the vacuum cleaner from Donkey Kong's house and ride it forward a short ways, before it gets caught on the cord and comes to a sudden stop.

Up B: Nanna Slamma!

Based on the traps Cranky has set up around his house, that DK frequently launches, Baby Kong will hop onto one and spring back upward into the sky.

Down B: Mess Maker

He will pull random objects from Donkey Kong's house (possibly using the original models) and throw them around haphazardly.

Final Smash: Temper Tantrum

Baby Kong will tear up and start to cry, building from just a loud noise to a full-on temper tantrum, shaking the stage and knocking fighters from it with the sheer force of it all.

Entrance: Donkey Kong will appear, drink a potion, and transform into a baby.

Taunts: Up, he will dance around and say "Nanna Slamma!" Side, he will roll around on a ball. Down, he will curl up and go to sleep for a second.

Thanks for reading! Next up is one of the few one-off characters of the series.

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