Monday, September 27, 2021

Character Sheet: Metal Head


Now, we have finished the television series, and we have SO many characters to cover, from all across the spectrum. There are a few characters here and there that might get a few upgrades to their movesets, mostly being the Donkey Kong cast (one example, I think Klump should absolutely have a Klaptrap gun now). But, there are so many that are so distinct from their game counterparts, I could only make a brand new slot for them. They are:

1.     Beezo

2.     Flurry

3.     Rex

4.     Tryclyde

5.     TV Mario

6.     TV Luigi

7.     Tommy Treehugger & Co-MC

8.     Evil Eric & Tammy Treehugger

9.     Princess Toadstool

10.  TV Toad

11.  Bones Bailey

12.  Oogtar

13.  King Koopa

14.  Robo Koopa

15.  TV Koopalings

16.  Wizenheimer

17.  Clovis

18.  Barney Todd

19.  Master Brian

20.  Kid Dynamo

21.  Dr. Demise

22.  Gorilla Ghost

23.  Mervin the Magician

24.  Genie

25. Brutius Maximus Grouchimus

26.  Captain Clump

27.  Bunsen

28.  Hercufleas

29.  Salvador Drainado

30.  Sergeant Kooperman

31.  Flab Boys

32.  James Blonde

33.  Vampa White

34.  Zero

35.  Captain Abidab

36.  Mugga the Medicine Woman

37.  Misaki

38.  Waldo the Wizard

39.  Quirks

40.  Queen Mushroomkhamen

41.  Wizard King of the West

42.  Junior

43.  Mighty Plumber

44.  Crime Wave Clyde

45.  Dino Riders

46.  Candy Kong

47.  Bluster Kong

48.  Eddie the Mean Old Yeti

49.  Baby Kong

50.  Kong Fu

51.  Metal Head

52.  Captain Skurvy

We finally reach our last week of character sheets! Today, let's cover Metal Head from the episode "The Big Switch-a-Roo." I understand this character has become a bit of a meme in certain corners of the internet. Either way, Metal Head is a robot built by Cranky to help out Bluster at his factory. Donkey Kong is left to guard and accidentally gets his and the robot's brains switched by one of Cranky's other inventions. This leads to all manner of shenanigans. Across the episode, we see the robot, either through Donkey Kong's control or its own, walk around, use a hammer, put together a barrel super fast, stomp on bananas, walk on its hands, hop around, and toss its own head.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Head Toss

Metal Head will forcibly remove its own head and chuck it hard across the stage as a projectile. It could possibly have a boomerang effect as it is magnetically pulled back to its body.

Side B: Barrel Maker

It will rapidly perform its primary function of putting together one of Bluster's barrels. If a character is unlucky enough to get caught in the move they will be trapped inside. If not, then a barrel will simply appear on the stage, to be used as an item later.

Up B: Hop to It

This is based upon one of its many misunderstood commands. It will straighten up and then hop up and down on its powerful legs, springing straight up.

Down B: Step on It

Another mistaken command. It will toss a bunch of bananas onto the ground and proceed to stomp on them, burying anyone caught in the attack, and leaving a slippery mess of banana peels behind.

Final Smash: I'm a Metal Head

This one is based more on the song Donkey Kong sings when he discovers the switch has taken place, arguably the most memetic part of the character. The background will turn psychedelic and three giant versions of Metal Head's head will appear, spinning around and around as they sing their song, damaging anyone they touch.

Entrance: It will be sitting limp with the brain switcher on its head, before it lights up and the robot comes to life.

Taunts: Up, a piece of toast will pop out of the toaster on its head. Side, it will take off its head and roll it along its shoulders. Down, it will slump over in a sleep mode.

Thanks for reading! Next up, let's finally finish this character run with Captain Skurvy, dread pirate of the high seas (and a very caring brother)!

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