Monday, September 6, 2021

Smash Character Sheet: Vampa White


Now, we have finished the television series, and we have SO many characters to cover, from all across the spectrum. There are a few characters here and there that might get a few upgrades to their movesets, mostly being the Donkey Kong cast (one example, I think Klump should absolutely have a Klaptrap gun now). But, there are so many that are so distinct from their game counterparts, I could only make a brand new slot for them. They are:

1.     Beezo

2.     Flurry

3.     Rex

4.     Tryclyde

5.     TV Mario

6.     TV Luigi

7.     Tommy Treehugger & Co-MC

8.     Evil Eric & Tammy Treehugger

9.     Princess Toadstool

10.  TV Toad

11.  Bones Bailey

12.  Oogtar

13.  King Koopa

14.  Robo Koopa

15.  TV Koopalings

16.  Wizenheimer

17.  Clovis

18.  Barney Todd

19.  Master Brian

20.  Kid Dynamo

21.  Dr. Demise

22.  Gorilla Ghost

23.  Mervin the Magician

24.  Genie

25. Brutius Maximus Grouchimus

26.  Captain Clump

27.  Bunsen

28.  Hercufleas

29.  Salvador Drainado

30.  Sergeant Kooperman

31.  Flab Boys

32.  James Blonde

33.  Vampa White

34.  Zero

35.  Captain Abidab

36.  Mugga the Medicine Woman

37.  Misaki

38.  Waldo the Wizard

39.  Quirks

40.  Queen Mushroomkhamen

41.  Wizard King of the West

42.  Junior

43.  Mighty Plumber

44.  Crime Wave Clyde

45.  Dino Riders

46.  Candy Kong

47.  Bluster Kong

48.  Eddie the Mean Old Yeti

49.  Baby Kong

50.  Kong Fu

51.  Metal Head

52.  Captain Skurvy

So, this one's complicated. And maybe a bit embarrassing. First of all, unlike a lot of these other characters, Vampa White is a parody of a real and living person, which maybe I ought to shy away from. That said, the person she's based on actually voiced her, so that softens things a bit. Secondly, I guess I got the episodes mixed up a bit when I was writing the blog and a misremembered her as appearing in "Count Koopula" when she actually appeared in "On Her Majesty's Sewer Service." She actually hadn't made it into the roster in my original watching of the series, and when I wrote the blog, I asked myself why I hadn't made her a representative for "Count Koopula." Now, it's a little awkward.

That said, "Count Koopula" is one of the more iconic episodes of the series, and it doesn't have a representative of its own, and Vampa is a vampire-themed character in a different episode, with a couple of her own moves from said episode. So . . . I'm just going to eat crow and go with it. If they make their case to me once, I don't say no. In her own episode, we see her blow a fiery kiss at the Mario brothers, and spin a wheel of torture with several possible punishments. In "Count Koopula," we see Koopa and his minions turn into bats, bite and draw blood (or spaghetti sauce at certain points), and transform Koopas into "wereturtles." They also conveniently have a torture chamber. Yeah, that works.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Vampire's Bite

Vampa will bare her fangs and lunge at an opponent, biting them on the neck. As long as she holds on, the character will be drained of health.

Side B: Fireball Kiss

Vampa will blow a kiss that becomes a fireball, hitting opponents as a high-powered projectile.

Up B: Vampire Bat

She will either transform into a bat, or grab hold of a tweeter bat, and will fly upward for a short time.

Down B: Wereturtle

She will give a Koopa a vial of potion and transform it into a Wereturtle, which will then rampage across the stage for a short time, doing some damage on its own.

Final Smash: Wheel of Misfortune

She will spin her large wheel listed with tortures designed by Koopa. Depending on which it lands on, the characters will be subjected to said torture as it appears on the wheel.

Entrance: She will appear from behind a curtain and wave.

Taunts: Up, she will fiddle with her wheel for a second. Side, she will blow a kiss. Down, she will sweep her dress sideways in disgust.

Thanks for reading! Honestly, this is probably the first character in the history of this series that I have truly considered straight up bumping from the roster after she already made it on. What do you all think? Anyway, next up is Zero!

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