Saturday, August 26, 2023

Other Metroid Comics


Today, let's finish up with all remaining Metroid comics that were more small little things with very little substance. The first is "The Shape of Happiness," a collection of comic stories based on Nintendo properties, among which are three Metroid chapters, the first of which feature Samus working alongside a green policeman named Mari Yoshimura #2. Yoshimura doesn't do much and ends up getting killed by a Metroid disguised as a bellhop (don't ask).

Next is a comic based on Metroid Prime, yet unlike its sequel, really just retells the story of Metroid Prime with no variation or additional characters. That's pretty much it for published comics, however, we should also mention that a Metroid series was also pitched three times to Archie Comics back in 2009, all three of which were ultimately abandoned.

And that's pretty much it! Here's what we've got so far:



Joey: Field Knuckles, punches, energy barriers, wheels, stick, sparklers, Space Pirate gun, Space Pirate's skin, absorb energy, Exodus

Diesel: flotation device, weld, fix things, detonate bombs, viruses, Junk Hawk

Papa Lightning: disassemble, drill, rocket

Kreatz: energy strings

Mauk: slam, lift, bazooka, shoulder guns

Armstrong Houston: possible Samus/Federation Marine echo basis

Klaus Schneider/Miguel Luis Garcia/Lily Thran/Jeff McCloud: knife, gun, machine gun, tech

Mari Yoshimura #2



Commander Nemo

Chairman Keaton

Captain Hardy

Adam Malkovitch

Rodney and Virginia Aran

Old Bird/Gray Voice/Platinum Chest: float, healing bubble, armor, staff, staff blast

U-Ton: extendable arms, laser blasts, claws, Delta Mirage

Mother Brain


Greed: Mind control, electrocution, drain, black hole

Bishop: plasma beam, impenetrable shield, block trap, void obliteration

Knight: sword, slice, slash, defend, force blow, guillotine blast, meteor return, explosive divide



Doruba: mech, lasers

Big Time Brannigan: arm cannon


Pirate Boss: stomp, choke, blade, gatling gun, throw civilians

Bomad: kick, punch, gravity bomb

Zegan Doh: blade hand, shield

Dangelo: Samus's suit, invisible

Megaroid: drain energy, break apart, living shards

Amokmaw: slide, eat, jet, shoot lasers, sound waves, giant

Integra: grab, underarm blasters, power bombs


Federation headquarters


Junk Quixote



Hall of the Gods

Final Gate

Next up, let's take a break and start covering some characters!

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