Thursday, August 3, 2023

Character Sheet: Ing


And now, we have another set of characters, this time hailing from the Prime series of games. You'd think a series like Metroid wouldn't have that many, but we're pretty close to fifty now. Our new ones include:

1. Federation Mech

2. Rundas

3. Ghor

4. Gandrayda

5. Noxus

6. Sylux

7. Spire

8. Trace

9. Kanden

10. Weavel

11. U-Mos

12. Aurora Unit

13. Dark Samus

14. Meta Ridley

15. Metroid Prime

16. Emperor Ing

17. Gorea

18. Chozo Ghost

19. Steambot

20. Ing

21. Liquid Phazon

22. Quad

23. Phazon Elite

24. Berserker Lord

25. Labor Golem

Next up, we have the Ing, the primary inhabitants of Dark Aether, sworn enemies of the Luminoth, and the main antagonists of Metroid Prime 2: Echoes. They are funny-looking parasitic creatures, trying to break through into the Light Aether and swallow up the entire planet in darkness, and are aided in their endeavor by Dark Samus.

The Ing could spread dark matter from themselves, melt into pools in order to escape, shoot lasers, attack with their large claws, lunge at their opponents, and leap high into the air. It's not much, but plenty for our purposes here.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Dark Matter

They will spray dark matter into the air before them, which will drift through the air and have a toxic effect on those that pass through it.

Side B: Lunge

They will lunge forward at their opponents, slashing them with their large claws.

Up B: Leap

The Ing will leap high into the air and come back down hard with its claws.

Down B: Dark Pool

The Ing will melt into a pool of darkness in order to escape from harm for a short time.

Final Smash: Dark Aether

Just like their Emperor, the Ing's final smash will see them spreading Dark Aether across the whole stage and choking the players with its toxic atmosphere.

Entrance: It will emerge from a Dark Aether portal.

Taunts: Up, it will rise up and swing its head-tail around. Side, it will skitter around for a second. Down, it will spray out a cloud of darkness around it.

Kirby Hat: The little head-tail.

Kart: Based on a Dark Splinter.

Special Move: It will melt into a puddle for a second as an oncoming item passes right over it.

Spirit Battle: A very large horde battle on Planet Aether.

Victory Screen: The stage will be consumed by Dark Aether.

Losing Screen: Their death animation will play out.

Color Swaps: A standard Ing, a darker black Ing, a purple Ing, a more golden Ing, a brown Ing, a green Ing, a fiery red Ing, and a pure white Ing

Thanks for reading! Next up, does this even count as a creature?

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