Friday, August 4, 2023

Character Sheet: Liquid Phazon


And now, we have another set of characters, this time hailing from the Prime series of games. You'd think a series like Metroid wouldn't have that many, but we're pretty close to fifty now. Our new ones include:

1. Federation Mech

2. Rundas

3. Ghor

4. Gandrayda

5. Noxus

6. Sylux

7. Spire

8. Trace

9. Kanden

10. Weavel

11. U-Mos

12. Aurora Unit

13. Dark Samus

14. Meta Ridley

15. Metroid Prime

16. Emperor Ing

17. Gorea

18. Chozo Ghost

19. Steambot

20. Ing

21. Liquid Phazon

22. Quad

23. Phazon Elite

24. Berserker Lord

25. Labor Golem

Now, we come to the most prominent . . . aspect of the Metroid Prime series, a chemical element originating from the Planet Phaaze, but found on meteorites that crashed on planets like Tallon IV. Phazon has many properties that allow it to mutate and enhance those it affects, though it also has a strong corrupting property as well. In Metroid Prime 3, Samus even encounters some that seems to be alive and moves about on its own.

The specific enemy called Liquid Phazon is capable of shooting blasts of Phazon, infecting those it touches with its influence, and spawning smaller grubs. We also should factor in the other properties of Phazon elsewhere in the series, like the meteors, the giant tentacles, and all the mutative and toxic properties.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Infection

The Liquid Phazon will fire a cloud of itself at its opponents, infecting them. The first will just poison them. The second will stun them. It takes three for them to fall under your control for a short time.

Side B: Phazon Beam

Just like Samus's own, the Liquid Phazon will be able to shoot a powerful beam as a projectile.

Up B: Spawn

The Liquid Phazon will squirt itself up high into the air, leaving behind a small patch of itself to crawl along the stage and infect others.

Down B: Phazon Tentacle

It will spawn one of those Phazon tentacles that will lash out and strike nearby opponents.

Final Smash: Phazon Meteor

Just like all of those seen throughout the series, a meteor will be shot from Phaaze with lots of Phazon on it, and it will crash into the stage.

Entrance: It will split off from a chunk of Phazon.

Taunts: Up, it will bloop upward, like a drip hitting water. Side, it will spew a cloud of itself around it. Down, it will wiggle around a bit.

Kirby Hat: Kirby will be made of the stuff.

Kart: Based on a meteor.

Special Move: It will infect fighters and slow them down by a lot.

Spirit Battle: A horde battle on Phaaze.

Victory Screen: Phazon will spread across the galaxy.

Losing Screen: The entire planet of Phaaze will be destroyed.

Color Swaps: The normal blue, a bright pink color, the purple I always imagined it was when only reading synopses, a sickly green, a bright yellow, red, eerie black, and pure white.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a fun rare type of enemy.

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