Tuesday, August 8, 2023

Character Sheet: Berserker Lord


And now, we have another set of characters, this time hailing from the Prime series of games. You'd think a series like Metroid wouldn't have that many, but we're pretty close to fifty now. Our new ones include:

1. Federation Mech

2. Rundas

3. Ghor

4. Gandrayda

5. Noxus

6. Sylux

7. Spire

8. Trace

9. Kanden

10. Weavel

11. U-Mos

12. Aurora Unit

13. Dark Samus

14. Meta Ridley

15. Metroid Prime

16. Emperor Ing

17. Gorea

18. Chozo Ghost

19. Steambot

20. Ing

21. Liquid Phazon

22. Quad

23. Phazon Elite

24. Berserker Lord

25. Labor Golem

Today, let's cover a character that is an extension of the idea set up by the Phazon Elite in the first Metroid Prime. Berserker Lords, and Berserker Knights, are Space Pirates that have been so heavily enhanced with Phazon that they have mutated into giant hulking monstrosities that pose a serious problem for Samus and her allies.

Berserker Lords and Knights have multiple powerful attacks at their disposal. They can throw energy balls and shoot laser beams, spit out blobs of phazon, breathe pure energy from their mouths, and use their massive claws to attack. Plenty to work with, so let's go.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Energy Breath

The Berserker will breathe energy from its mouth like a dragon at its opponents.

Side B: Laser Beams

It will fire twin laser beams as projectiles.

Up B: Berserker Rage

It will leap up into the air and slash down with its claws angrily.

Down B: Phazon Blob

It will spit out a blob of Phazon on the ground that will splash on anyone it hits and sit on the stage for a while.

Final Smash: Boss Battle

The Berserker will grow up to its larger boss size and start rampaging around the stage.

Entrance: It will crash through a wall and roar.

Taunts: Up, it will roar at the sky. Side, it will claw side to side, looking for a fight. Down, it will stop and heave for a moment.

Kirby Hat: The top carapace part of their heads.

Kart: Based on one on all fours in attack mode.

Special Move: It will leave a blob of Phazon sitting on the track for anyone to drive over.

Spirit Battle: A giant battle on Norion.

Victory Screen: It will stomp a couple of Federation fighters down and then roar over them.

Losing Screen: Its dying animation will play out.

Color Swaps: A brown knight, a blue knight, a red knight, a green knight, a yellow knight, a black knight, and both of the Lords you come across.

Thanks for reading! Next up, a couple of robots Samus herself controls.

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