Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Character Sheet: Kreatz


And now we have a long list of character who appear exclusively within the Metroid comics, manga, and other non-game media. These will all act as a roster on their own, separate from the standard game roster. They are:

1. Joey Apronika

2. Kreatz

3. Mauk

4. Diesel

5. GFS Tyr Crew

6. Armstrong Houston

7. Zegan Doh

8. Bomad

9. U-Ton

10. Papa Lightning

11. Chozo Elders

12. Greed

13. Bishop

14. Knight

15. Dangelo

16. Pirate Boss

17. Amokmaw

18. Integra

19. Megaroid

In the Metroid manga appearing in Magazine Z, which by all accounts seems to be treated as canon by Nintendo, Samus had a pair of companions during her Federation days that she went on multiple missions with. These two were Kreatz and Mauk. Kreatz was the sneaky, wisecracking member of the team, who frequently faced discrimination because his people had been responsible for a war in the past.

Kreatz's main weapon are his energy whips, which he seems to be able to extend from his fingers. While more simple, he uses them in a number of creative ways. He shoots them forward to strike opponents, swirls them around himself to create a field of damage and protection, and even seems to use them to slow his descent when in midair. He also wears a stealth suit on one occasion to sneak around.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Energy Lash

He will lash his whips straight forward, using them to pierce opponents in front of him.

Side B: Energy Circle

He will spin the whips rapidly around himself, protecting from damage while also dealing damage to those around him.

Up B: Energy Float

He will spin the whips rapidly to his sides, allowing him to lift himself up off the ground and float for a moment.

Down B: Stealth Suit

He will switch on his stealth suit, which will make him mostly invisible for a short time and let him move around unseen.

Final Smash: Operation Overkill

He will do as he and Mauk did to get Samus and the Chozo out and call in Samus's ship to attack the stage remotely and bomb everything in sight.

Entrance: He will rise in his camouflage and take it off.

Taunts: Up, he will hold up his thumb and smirk. Side, he will swirl his whips around himself. Down, he will pull out his binoculars and look around.

Kirby Hat: His hair and ears.

Kart: Based on Samus's ship.

Special Move: He will lash his whips around himself, protecting from damage and striking anyone who gets too close.

Spirit Battle: On Federation Headquarters, with Samus and Mauk.

Victory Screen: He will stand tall and smirk, giving a thumbs up.

Losing Screen: He will stagger as if injured and fall to the ground.

Color Swaps: His normal outfit, a red version, his camouflage hood, a more sandy variant, his stealth suit, a white version, his older appearance, a more green version.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Samus's other companion from the same.

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