Saturday, August 12, 2023

Metroid Prime Trilogy


Now, we come to Metroid Prime Trilogy, a compilation of the three main Metroid Prime games released together in one game. This game came only two years after Corruption released, and on the same console, so really there wasn't any major additions, it was pretty much the three games lifted straight onto the disc, with maybe some graphical upgrades here and there.

That's really all I've got to say! Here's what we've got so far:


Zero Suit Samus: emergency pistol, crawl, backflip

Ridley: missiles, claws, fly fireballs, stomp, grab

Metroid Queen: laser beam, green orbs

Omega Metroid: laser beam, laser beam at ground, leap, claw, tail pound

Chozo: orb, float, shock

Space Pirates


Space Pirate Mothership

Chozo Ruins


Thanks for reading! Next up, we finish off the remakes with a recent pleasant surprise!

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