Monday, October 30, 2023

Mario + Rabbids DLC Packets


So, my stance on covering new DLC whenever I revisit a series will be this: If it is just a new character or something, that I've already got on my rosters, and they play more or less the same as everyone else in said game (say it's a sports game or something), I'm not going to bother. There's nothing for me to pull out of that, I'd just be spending another day on functionally nothing. However, when it is major story DLC, with new characters and world maps and stuff, then I will take the extra time to cover it.

Such is the case with our three packs of Mario + Rabbids DLC. We start with the "Tower of Doooooom!" DLC, which is the least meaty of the three, and basically just re-introduces us to Spawny and Madame Bwahstrella, showing us what they've been up to since the first game. And of course, the titular Tower of Doooooom is a potential stage.

After that we have the "Last Spark Hunter" DLC, where we encounter a previously unknown Spark Hunter named Kanya who has gone rogue and is plotting schemes of her own, controlling a giant Mecha King Bob-Omb (color swap for sure). We also meet a new ally in Allegra, a wild Rabbid who uses a tuning fork as a spear, sets off a musical blast, can perform a flip, and creates vibrations. She is also friends with Dorrie, who can spit water. The entire thing takes place in a new area called Melodic Gardens.

Then finally, we have "Rayman in the Phantom Show," a DLC pack that teams up Rabbid Peach and Rabbid Mario with Rayman (sadly no Mario & Friends interactions here). Rayman will be dealt with in his own series, but he can punch with his detached fists, throw bombs, fire rockets, and fly with his . . . ears? The Phantom returns from his previous appearance as the big bad of this DLC, and like before, he can vanish, become invulnerable under a spotlight, and throw a musical blast. He can also let off a sonic wave, and he has sets constantly being moved around him. I think we can say for sure that he's our first third-chancer. There is also his Phantom Show Theater to consider.

Here's what we've got so far:



Madame Bwahstrella

Kanya: Mecha King Bob-Omb

Allegra: Dorrie, tuning fork, musical blast, flip, water spit, vibrations


Phantom: vanish, invulnerable spotlight, musical blast, sonic wave, sets


Tower of Doooooom!

Melodic Gardens

Phantom Show

Thanks for reading! Next up, I wonder what we'll be covering?

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