Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Metroid All-Stars Adventure Mode


Since the combined classic modes and all-star modes would be self-explanatory, we're just going to jump straight to the adventure mode.

In both worlds, Samus and her companions get a message about a temporal rift that just opened up at the far edge of the galaxy. Being the heroes that they are, they set out together and come to the rift, where they find a huge complex that seems to be an amalgamation of worlds from both the games and the comics. The two parties work their way through it, encountering each other and facing each other in Hunters-style matches. Eventually, they come to the center of the complex, where Master Hand emerges from the void. The heroes work together to bring him down, but upon his defeat, he released a blast of dark energy, then closes his hand to cause all the heroes to be sucked into the rift and disappear.

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