Tuesday, October 3, 2023



Finally, all seven hunters make their way to the Alimbic Cluster and find a ship, the Oubliette, locked in another plane of existence. Their efforts to board it and pull it back to their own plane end up revealing the true secrets hidden within.

The Oubliette does not in fact contain an ultimate power, but was designed as a prison for a powerful being called Gorea who had attempted to wipe out the Alimbics centuries before. After years of imprisonment, Gorea managed to telepathically put out a message promising ultimate power, hoping to draw in the greedy and power-hungry to free him.

As a fighter, Gorea will be powerful with his hits, but also a little floaty, and capable of stealing and using others’ abilities. His moveset will pull primarily from his boss fight at the end of the game.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

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