Saturday, October 21, 2023

Final Gate


The comic Metroid Prime: Episode of Aether took the plot of echoes and ran with it, showing Samus watching over four survivors of the GFS Tyr while investigating the mystery of the game itself. The comic concludes with an epic battle at the final gate into Dark Aether, where Samus goes in to fight Dark Samus, and the four guard the gate in a final stand, sacrificing their lives in the process.

This stage will be set in that area, with a long flat stage and four large walls of cover, the portal in the background, swirling and fluctuating. Every now and then, a creature from Dark Aether will emerge and land on the stage, and the players will have to defeat it.

Possible theme: Comics don’t have music, but I at least have one joke song I can toss out,

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