Friday, October 6, 2023



Teaming up together, Samus, Adam, and the rest of his team explore the research vessel, the Bottle Ship, its crew nowhere to be found and the alien specimens kept within broken from containment. Samus eventually learns that the vessel had been cloning Metroids and other dangerous creatures, and had created a clone of Mother Brain placed in a human body.

This is MB, or Melissa Bergman, though she initially introduces herself as Madeline Bergman, a scientist who had been a surrogate mother to her. MB had gone rogue, using her mental powers to control the monsters contained about the ship, killing everyone on board.

As a fighter, MB will be a Pokemon Trainer situation, with Melissa controlling the Ghalmanian, Griptian, Kyratian, Desbrachian, and Rhedogian, five monsters unique to other M who act as frequent minibosses throughout the game.

Likelihood rating: Probably not.

*I had wanted to do a Pokemon Trainer style image with the five creatures around her, but that proved exceptionally difficult, so I opted for just her.*

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