Saturday, October 14, 2023

Metroid Adventure Mode


The story begins as a team of Federation Marines, armed with Mechs, and led by Anthony Higgs investigate a strange vessel that appeared in Federation space out of nowhere. You work through this prologue playing as either a marine or a mech, finding the base crawling with EMMIs and enemy types long thought extinct. Finally, Ridley appears, acting as the prologue’s final boss. Upon his defeat, the screen will go dark and you will hear the heroes’ screams.

The main story will then open on Samus arriving at a Federation base, being briefed by Castor Dane, an Aurora Unit, and the Adam Malkovitch computer on the situation with the vessel. U-Mos will also appear, having been brought in because the vessel gives off Dark Aether readings as well as intense Phazon radiation. Samus agrees to go in and investigate.

The vessel will be broken up into nine main areas that you will have to work through, each one resembling a biome that she has been to before, including Planet Zebes, SR388, Biologic Space Laboratories, Tallon IV, Aether, the Oubliette, Phaaze, the Bottle Ship, and ZDR. Each one of these locations will have its own EMMI, as well as a brainwashed Hunter that you will have to fight and defeat, who will then join your fight upon your freeing them. You will have to work through these areas, going back and forth between them, unlocking new items and areas in the process. Each area will have its own boss as well, all villains you believed long dead.

Kraid will be the boss of Zebes, and Spire will be its hunter. The Metroid Queen for SR388, with Noxus. SA-X will lurk Biologic Space Laboratories, as will Sylux. Rundas will appear on Tallon IV, with the Metroid Prime as its boss. Ghor will appear on Aether, with Emperor Ing as its boss. Kanden will haunt the Oubliette, as will Gorea. Gandrayda will appear on Phaaze, with Dark Samus acting as the boss. MB will act as the boss of the Bottle Ship, and through her you will learn that whoever is behind this is using the same cloning process that created her to create shadows from Samus’s past, constructing this vessel specifically as a gauntlet to torture and punish Samus, and that whoever is behind it obviously hates her. Adam will use the machine to create a clone of his own body and place his consciousness in it to help her. Weavel will also appear in this level. Finally, Raven Beak will function as the boss of ZDR, with Trace appearing as the hunter. Ridley will also appear in a boss fight, and then reappear for a second boss fight, upgrading himself into Meta Ridley.

After beating each villain and freeing all of her friends and fellow hunters, Samus will unlock the way to the final area, based on Tourian. There she will face off against a Torizo briefly, before finding the true mastermind behind all of this. Mother Brain did not in fact die on Zebes in Super Metroid, but backed up her consciousness in a small pod that survived the destruction, floating in space for years until a band of Space Pirates found her. She then spent years rebuilding herself, watching Samus’s adventures and plotting her revenge against her by recreating every nemesis Samus ever fought and forcing her to relive her worst assignments. Samus and her allies will fight Mother Brain and destroy her, causing the entire vessel to start collapsing.

After the end of the game, Samus will unlock a Zero Suit Samus hard mode where she can go back through the vessel. In this version, Nightmare and Phantoon will appear as bonus additional bosses.

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