Friday, October 6, 2023

Federation Mech


A long drought of Metroid games followed the release of Corruption and Other M, leaving fans concerned for the future of the series. This fear was not assuaged in 2016 when a new game was announced, and it was basically a soccer spinoff with chibi-looking Mechs and Samus only playing a supporting role.

These Mechs are basically large suits for the Marines to drive around during especially hazardous missions. Most of the game’s missions were actually a bit more in-depth, with the soccer stuff being largely relegated to the online multiplayer.

As fighters, the Mechs will be a bit heavier and stronger that the normal marines, with higher defense. Their moveset will pull from their various missions in the game and will have the Blast Ball out for them to knock around into opponents.

Likelihood rating: Could happen.

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