Friday, October 20, 2023

GFS Tyr Crew


While in the game, the entire crew of the GFS Tyr were wiped out by the Ing, in the comic, Samus encounters four young recruits who had managed to survive the attack.

These four include Klaus Schneider, the field-promoted rookie team leader, Miguel Luis Garcia, the edgy rebel, Lily Thran, the team medic, and Jeff McCloud, the computer guy. They would accompany Samus on her journey through Aether, and would ultimately give their lives holding the Final Gate, long enough for Samus to defeat the Ing emperor.

As fighters, they will be echoes of Adam Malkovitch and the other Federation Marines, except maybe a bit less durable and well-armed, owing to their damaged armor and equipment. Their moveset will pull from the same pool as their fellows.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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