Monday, October 16, 2023



After establishing Old Bird in the Super Metroid comic, Magazine Z ran a series of comics telling the full backstory of Samus, from the destruction of her world as a child, being raised and enhanced by the Chozo, and her people’s betrayal by Mother Brain, issuing in the events of the games. As far as anyone can tell, this comic, if no others, is considered canon to the games and various elements have been referenced in multiple games since. In this comic, we see Samus briefly join the Federation, becoming part of a team with two partners.

The first of these is Kreatz, a sneaky elven alien capable of projecting energy whips from his fingers, who is treated with mistrust by many because his people were responsible for a past war. Despite this, Kreatz proves a loyal friend and ally to Samus throughout her adventures.

As a fighter, Kreatz will be light and quick, utilizing his energy whips for most of his attacks, his moveset pulling from the various ways he uses them in the comic.

Likelihood rating: Non-game.

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