Monday, July 10, 2023

Metroid Prime Hunters


And now for a very popular game, largely for its cast of playable characters, including six rival hunters alongside Samus, each completing various missions and going up against each other in battles on their quest to achieve it. Each one is going after an ancient power recently discovered in the far reaches of space, each with their own motives for doing so.

Each is relatively similar in playstyle, each having their own version of the laser and morph ball and so on. Samus is her basic self with all the things you'd expect from her. Noxus is an icy alien similar to Rundas who seeks absolute law and justice and seeks the weapon to keep it from falling into evil hands. His laser weapon is the Judicator, while instead of a morph ball, he can change into a small insectoid form called the Vhoscythe. He can also project a shield of ice around himself and attack with his arm at close range.

Sylux is easily the most popular of these six, a mysterious hunter with an intense grudge against the Federation, strongly implied to be the villain of Metroid Prime 4 (if it ever actually comes out). Sylux mainly uses electrical weapons, including a shock coil as his main weapon, and his Morph ball form is called the Lockjaw, a ball of electricity in metallic casing. He can also use electric bombs, a tripwire, and he can call in his ship, the Delano 7, when needed.

Spire is the last of his kind, and is seeking the ultimate power in order to learn what happened to his people. He uses the Magmaul to fire lava, and becomes a rolling ball of rock called the Dialanche. He can also pummel with his arms and create shockwaves. Trace is . . . basically Invader Zim. He's a young member of an invader race on a rite of passage to find a planet to conquer. He wields the Imperialist which he uses as a sniping weapon, whereas his body transforms into a small form called the Triskelion that he can jump strike with. He can also turn himself invisible.

Kanden is a biological experiment that broke out and went rogue, and now seeks the ultimate power to become even stronger. He can turn into a little bug called a Stinglarva, and he wields the Volt Driver to shoot electromagnetic blasts. He can also use a shield, and detach his tail to leave behind as a bomb. Weavel is a former space pirate, wounded in battle with Samus, who now seeks revenge against her. He wields a weapon called the Battlehammer, which acts as a handheld mortar, and he can take on a tank form called the Half-Turret. He also has a scythe for an arm and can use a smaller pistol weapon.

In the end, this Ultimate Power was simply a ruse sent into the galaxy telepathically by an ancient evil called Gorea, that had nearly wiped out an ancient race called the Alimbics and had been sealed away in another dimension to contain it. The hunters' search for the power accidentally unleashed Gorea, and it acted as the final boss against them. It has long tentacles to attack with and drain energy from its victims. It can also shoot lasers, toss energy balls, hover upside down, copy and use the hunters' attacks, warp around, and take on a final form. Other bosses include the Cretaphid, Slench, the Fire Spawn, and the Arctic Spawn, most of which are pretty basic.

The game takes place across five different locations where battles can be fought. These include the Celestial Archives (a giant library), Alinos (a fire planet), an abandonded station called Vesper Defense Outpost, an ice planet called Arcterra, and the Oubliette, the ship Gorea was trapped inside.

And that's pretty much it. Here's what we've got so far:


Samus: laser beam, charge beam, morph ball, missile, bomb, boost ball, space jump boots, super missile, thermal visor, spider ball, wave buster, ice beam, gravity suit, power bomb, grapple beam, x-ray visor, plasma beam, ice spreader, flamethrower, phazon suit, phazon beam, dark beam, light beam, heat-seeking launcher, dark visor, echo visor, screw attack, wall jump, annihilator beam, light armor, sunburst, grapple lasso, hyper mode, ice missiles, grapple voltage, hazard shield, hyper grapple

Rundas: shoot ice, skate on ice, lines of ice, emerge from ice, ice blocks, shields of ice, spikes of ice

Ghor: hunter mech, blade, laser beams, shield, hyper beam, spin, leap, charge, throw a ship

Gandrayda: leap, disks, shapeshift

Noxus: Judicator, Vhoscythe, shield of ice, arm attack

Sylux: shock coil, Lockjaw, electric bombs, tripwire, Delano 7

Spire: Magmaul, Dialanche, pummel with arms, shockwaves

Trace: Imperialist, Triskelion, jump strike, invisible

Kanden: Stinglarva, Volt Driver, shield, tail bomb

Weavel: Battlehammer, mortar, Half-Turret, scythe, pistol weapon

Castor Dane/Space Marines: guns, turrets, supercharge

Aurora Unit: tentacles, laser, four lasers, float, spin, laser orbs

U-Mos/Luminoth: float, holograms, light armor, light beams, travel through light beams, all Light World

Dark Samus: lasers, dark energy beams, dark waves, surge, shields, disappear, explosion of phazon, morph ball, invisible, float, hyper beam, energy orb, blast of phazon, jetpack, tentacles, spray beam, warp, absorb, duplicate, pillars, shockwave

Meta Ridley: fly, beams, drop bombs, slam, swipe, dash, fireballs, wind shields, laser blast, claw, explosive blast, bite, breathe fire, tail spin, armor

Metroid Prime: barrel, hang, energy beams, lunge, burrow, bombs, balls of fire, green fire, invisible, final form

Emperor Ing: tentacles, light lasers, blasts, orbs, wave of darkness, jump really high

Gorea: tentacles, drain, lasers, energy balls, hover upside down, hunters' attacks, warp, final form

Elite Pirate/Omega Pirate/Phazon Elite: energy blasts, punch, shockwave, teleport

Space Pirates: swim, jetpack, lasers, blade, cannon, airship, jetpack, grenade, aerotrooper, shields, ATCs

Ing: dark matter, melt into pool, lasers, claw, lunge, leap


Liquid Phazon: infect, spawn grubs, blasts of Phazon, properties of Phazon

Chozo Ghost: invisibility, float, dash, energy balls

Dark Splinter: claw, lunge, leap

"Mechanoids": Crawltanks, Crawlmines, Aeromines, Jumpmines, Jolly Roger Drones, Tinbots, Steamlords, Steambots (look into)

Berserker Lord: energy balls, claw, laser beams, spit blobs, breathe energy


War Wasp


Quadraxis/Quad: spin, body, head, lasers, shields, stomp to create shockwaves, missiles

Labor Golem: shoulder bash, jump, battering ram, fire breath, energy beam, freeze, pick up block, stomp, rage, shoot orbs


Parasite Queen




Alpha Blogg




Defense Drone

Phazon Harvester Drone


Metroid Hatcher

Pirate Commander



Fire Spawn

Arctic Spawn


Frigate Orpheon

Tallon IV

Chozo Ruins

Magmoor Caverns

Phendrana Drifts

Phazon Mines

Artifact Temple

Impact Crater

Planet Aether

Temple Grounds

Agon Wastes

Torvus Bog

Sanctuary Fortress

Sky Temple

Dark World




Pirate Homeworld


GFS Olympus

GFS Valhalla

Pinball Game

Celestial Archives


Vesper Defense Outpost



Thanks for reading! Next up, a game that was much less popular.

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