Monday, July 3, 2023

Character Sheet: Nightmare


And now, let's take a quick break to go over our new characters from the six games that fall under the "Metroid" label (no Primes or remakes). As you can see, we have twenty (or twenty-five to be more accurate, but we'll get to those. They are:

1. Samus Aran

2. Adam Malkovitch

3. Mother Brain

4. MB*

5. Ridley

6. Kraid

7. Raven Beak

8. SA-X

9. Space Pirate

10. Kihunter

11. Metroid

12. X-Parasite

13. Autoad

14. Chozo Soldier

15. Robot Chozo Soldier

16. EMMI

17. Torizo

18. Phantoon

19. Nightmare

20. Metroid Queen

Next up, we have another memorable boss from the 2D games that reappeared in Other M, although this time, Fusion canonically comes after Other M, so Other M was actually Samus's first time seeing it. Anyway, Nightmare is a genetic experiment that can control gravity, and when its face is exposed, it will gradually deteriorate and melt off.

First off, Nightmare's gravity-bending abilities include the ability to increase gravity and slow its opponents, the ability to decrease gravity and leave them floating in midair, and creating gravity wells to deflect projectile attacks. It can also shoot lasers from its mouth and from its arms, and it can crawl around on its belly when it loses its gravity abilities temporarily.

Here's the movesets I came up with:

Standard B: Laser

The Nightmare will fire a laser from its mouth such as it does in its Fusion battle.

Side B: Arm Blasts

It will extend its arms and fire multiple straight laser beams while spinning in a circle, just as it does in Other M.

Up B: Gravity Float

The Nightmare will decrease gravity, making itself and those standing a little to close float up into the air.

Down B: Gravity Well

The Nightmare will create a small singularity in front of itself that will suck in projectiles and swallow them. It can also pull fighters in too.

Final Smash: Singularity

The Nightmare will increase gravity to such a point that everything starts getting sucked in, characters and stage alike, KOing them all.

Entrance: The stage will start to shake as it moves in the background.

Taunts: Up, it will rise up on its connectors. Side, it will extend its arms and roar. Down, it will slump down and its face will start to melt.

Kirby Hat: Basically Kirby inside his own version of the box thing it lives in.

Kart: Based on its mechanical cocoon.

Special Move: It will increase gravity and forcibly slow down everyone on the track.

Spirit Battle: A giant battle on Biologic Space Laboratories

Victory Screen: The Nightmare will break free of its bonds and rampage.

Losing Screen: The Nightmare's face will fully melt off and it will collapse.

Color Swaps: Its basic Fusion appearance, a red version, a silvery version, a green version, a yellow version, a white version, a black version, and its Other M appearance.

Thanks for reading! Next up, the queen of all Metroids.

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