Saturday, July 1, 2023

Character Sheet: Phantoon


And now, let's take a quick break to go over our new characters from the six games that fall under the "Metroid" label (no Primes or remakes). As you can see, we have twenty (or twenty-five to be more accurate, but we'll get to those. They are:

1. Samus Aran

2. Adam Malkovitch

3. Mother Brain

4. MB*

5. Ridley

6. Kraid

7. Raven Beak

8. SA-X

9. Space Pirate

10. Kihunter

11. Metroid

12. X-Parasite

13. Autoad

14. Chozo Soldier

15. Robot Chozo Soldier

16. EMMI

17. Torizo

18. Phantoon

19. Nightmare

20. Metroid Queen

And now for a memorable boss who first appeared in Super Metroid as the boss of the Wrecked Ship area, and then reappeared among multiple other returning bosses in Metroid: Other M. Phantoon is a large cosmic predator that can shift back and forth between the regular world and the spectral plane, and seems to feed on the energy of disabled spacecraft (as seen in both games).

Phantoon's most common ability is his power to switch between planes, making him ghostlike when Samus tries to hit him. He also has tentacles that he lashes out and attacks with, and has projectile attacks in the form of energy orbs or fire. In the second game, he can also let loose a ring of fire to attack with as well.

Here's the movesets I came up with:

Standard B: Fire Orb

Phantoon will fire off an orb of energy forward as a projectile from its one big eye.

Side B: Tentacle Lash

He will lash forward with one of his tentacles, whipping his opponents and pulling them closer.

Up B: Phase Shift

Phantoon will switch to the spectral plane, making him intangible and impervious to harm for a short time.

Down B: Ring of Fire

Phantoon will spin, creating a ring of fire out from itself and burning anyone too close.

Final Smash: Bottle Ship Attack

The gigantic Phantoon from Other M will appear behind the stage, wrapping his tentacles around it and draining the life force from the fighters on stage.

Entrance: It will appear from the spectral plane and become solid.

Taunts: Up, it will rise and spin. Side, it will wiggle its tentacles outward. Down, it will become a ghost for half a second.

Kirby Hat: Its one big eye inside a mouth.

Kart: Based on the Wrecked Ship.

Special Move: Basically the Boo item's effect.

Spirit Battle: A giant battle on Pyrosphere, with temporary invisibility on occasion.

Victory Screen: Phantoon will wrap itself around the stage and enjoy its meal.

Losing Screen: Phantoon will flail around, become spectral, and disappear.

Color Swaps: Its Super Metroid appearance, a red form, a blue form, a green form, a yellow form, a black form, a pale form, and its Other M appearance.

Thanks for reading! Next up, yet another memorable two-off boss from Fusion.

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