Saturday, July 15, 2023

Character Sheet: Gandrayda


And now, we have another set of characters, this time hailing from the Prime series of games. You'd think a series like Metroid wouldn't have that many, but we're pretty close to fifty now. Our new ones include:

1. Federation Mech

2. Rundas

3. Ghor

4. Gandrayda

5. Noxus

6. Sylux

7. Spire

8. Trace

9. Kanden

10. Weavel

11. U-Mos

12. Aurora Unit

13. Dark Samus

14. Meta Ridley

15. Metroid Prime

16. Emperor Ing

17. Gorea

18. Chozo Ghost

19. Mechanoid

20. Ing

21. Liquid Phazon

22. Quad

23. Phazon Elite

24. Berserker Lord

25. Labor Golem

Today, we have the third bounty hunter from Corruption, the bounty hunter Gandrayda, known for pulling pranks with her shapeshifting abilities before being corrupted, and then posing as a friendly scientist who just happens to tag along with Samus for a while after being corrupted. As she is the type to take other's shapes, she will function like Ditto and Doopliss, having just a bare bones moveset (probably using her throwing discs) with a transformation move that will turn her into a copy of one of her opponents.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Transformation

She will transform into her nearest opponent and copy their abilities. All moves from here would be mimics of other fighters' moves.

Final Smash: Betrayal

She would strike one of her opponents, leading to a cutscene where she appears behind them, transforms back into herself, and stabs them in the back.

Entrance: She will appear as her scientist form before becoming herself.

Taunts: All will be repeats of her mimic's taunts, but she will briefly turn into herself as they are being performed.

Kirby Hat: Her pink glowy-ness.

Kart: Basically her, but morphed into a car shape.

Special Move: She can transform into one of her opponents, with matching stats.

Spirit Battle: On Norion, but she can transform into more than just her opponent.

Victory Screen: She will transform back into herself and making a joking remark about how she fooled you.

Losing Screen: She will slump to the ground and her body will dissipate into Phazon.

Color Swaps: Her normal coloring, a reddish color, a blue color, a green color, a yellowish-gold color, a silvery color, a cyan color, and a black color.

Thanks for reading! Next up, we begin the rivals of Metroid Prime Hunters, which should last us the full week.

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