Thursday, July 27, 2023

Character Sheet: Meta Ridley


And now, we have another set of characters, this time hailing from the Prime series of games. You'd think a series like Metroid wouldn't have that many, but we're pretty close to fifty now. Our new ones include:

1. Federation Mech

2. Rundas

3. Ghor

4. Gandrayda

5. Noxus

6. Sylux

7. Spire

8. Trace

9. Kanden

10. Weavel

11. U-Mos

12. Aurora Unit

13. Dark Samus

14. Meta Ridley

15. Metroid Prime

16. Emperor Ing

17. Gorea

18. Chozo Ghost

19. Mechanoid

20. Ing

21. Liquid Phazon

22. Quad

23. Phazon Elite

24. Berserker Lord

25. Labor Golem

Next up, we have Ridley's distinctive appearance throughout all of the Metroid Prime series, rebuilt with cyborg enhancements after being heavily wounded in his battle with Samus in the first game. Somehow, he grew the rest of his body back for Super Metroid, but let's not question that part, shall we? He appears throughout the first game as, more or less, the main villain behind the Tallon IV operation, and then appears at the beginning of Corruption, leading the Space Pirates in their epic battle against the Federation on Norion.

In this form, he could fly as usual, fire laser beams and drop bombs, slam on the ground, swipe with his claws, dash forward, spit fireballs, use his wings as a shield, fire a laser blast and an explosive blast, bite, breathe fire, and spin his tail around really fast. Similar in many ways to his regular appearance, but souped up just a bit with technology.

Here's the moveset I came up with:

Standard B: Laser Blast

While the fire breath is very much his normal form's forte, we will be going with a laser blast for this form just to differentiate it.

Side B: Tail Spin

He will lash out with his long metallic tail and sweep it rapidly around himself, tripping up anyone nearby.

Up B: Hyper Wings

He will shoot straight up into the air, using his cybernetic wings to fly higher and faster than his normal form would. He would also have super armor during the ascent.

Down B: Bombard

He would raise up into the air and drop bombs directly below him that would detonate on impact.

Final Smash: High Speed Chase

I based this one on the chase battle from Brawl, since its so iconic, and it would match but also be distinct from Ridley's Final. The opponent would land on Samus's ship as it races through a shaft, with Meta Ridley racing in behind it and slashing the ship out of the air.

Entrance: He will slam down hard on the ground from above.

Taunts: Up, he will raise up and flap his cybernetic wings. Side, he will get down and roar loudly. Down, he will wrap himself in his wings for a second.

Kirby Hat: Like Ridley's but with the cyborg parts.

Kart: Based on a Space Pirate ship from Corruption, or flying.

Special Move: He will drop bombs from beneath him.

Spirit Battle: A giant battle on Frigate Orpheon.

Victory Screen: He will roar as Space Pirates move forward with guns loaded.

Losing Screen: His body will start to explode and he will fall away down a long shaft.

Color Swaps: All of the Ridley colors, but with contrasting colors on the cyborg parts.

Thanks for reading! Next up, Dark Samus is back . . . kinda.

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