Friday, February 17, 2023

Yiga Footsoldier


As you travel the world map, you will encounter numerous enemies, both new and old, that will prove a challenge for you. You might even find some enemies in places you don’t expect. Here and there, you might approach what looks like some random NPC, standing around and minding their own business, only for a sinister smile to cross their face and for them to transform into tall ninja warriors and attack you.

These are members of the Yiga Clan, a rebel group that broke away from Hyrule years ago and created a hideout for themselves out in the desert. They like to infiltrate Hyrule, passing themselves off as mere civilians then assassinating those who let their guard down around them. However, they do not appear until after you have activated Impa’s cutscene.

As fighters, the Yiga Footsoldiers are incredibly fast with a decent amount of strength behind their attacks. Their moveset will pull from all the demonstrated abilities of various Yiga Footsoldiers as well as a few of their variants.

Likelihood rating: Piranha Plant clause.

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