Wednesday, February 1, 2023



Link, Impa, Lana, and their ally Sheik fight their way through the enemy forces to the Temple of Spirits, their enemy’s base of operations. There, they encounter Lana’s evil half, a dark witch who sold her soul to an ancient evil in order to win the love of the hero Link.

This is Cia, a former forest mage who spent her time studying all of Hyrule’s history, becoming enamored with the recurring spirit of the hero Link, but frustrated by his intertwined destiny with the Princess Zelda. The sealed evil Ganondorf used this desire to twist her heart and transform her into the villain she has become.

As a fighter, her moveset will pull entirely from her moveset in Hyrule Warriors, just like her good counterpart. She will use much darker magic that Lana, with a bit more force behind it.

Likelihood rating: Could happen (Although might require a "Mai Shiranui clause" or something).

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