Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Tingle Adventure Mode


One day, Tingle is hanging out in his house, playing with Barkle and fantasizing about going on an adventure again and remembering his old love interests, when his old book Balloon Trip of Love starts to glow. It suddenly explodes, characters and elements flying everywhere as Tingle and Barkle take cover. After it is over, he finds that the world of the book has invaded the real world, encountering his scarecrow buddy Kakashi stuffed in his mailbox.

The pair decided to go around, collecting up everything from the book and sending it back. There are three main levels to this game, and it largely acts as a money manager/dating simulator game like before. At the start of each level, Tingle finds another member of his troupe in awkward locations from their hard landing, and encountering Pinkle, Aba, and Yamori around the map, each able to be hired on to help as well. Each level ends with a boss fight: first against Segare, leading Tingle to think that Majiyo is behind all this; second against Majiyo, her defeat allowing Uncle Rupee to rear his ugly head and reveal himself as the one that brought the book to life in order to get Tingle to collect rupees for his again; and finally against Uncle Rupee himself.

After he’s defeated and everything’s put back in the book, Tingle and his troupe hang out in his house, Buriki exploring his video games, Kakashi trying to avoid having his straw eaten by Barkle, Lion eating the contents of his fridge, Pinkle and Aba catching up on old times, and Yamori hiding under Tingle’s mattress, before a loud explosion directs their attention to a cloud of dark, evil magic forming in the direction of Hyrule in the distance, leading the quartet to head that way out of curiosity.

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