Friday, February 10, 2023



As Tingle heads out into the wilds to find rupees, he will be immediately accosted by a strange wild girl, who will tell him there’s a lot of dangers out there, and he will die if he doesn’t know how to fight. She will take it upon herself to teach him.

This girl is Aba, a wild girl raised from childhood by the wild man Junglo. A major story arc will involve Tingle helping Aba track down her birth parents, who turns out to be the local armorer you trade weapons with.

As a fighter, she will act as a sort of gimmick rep for the game, representing a lot of the unique combat aspects of the game, being the person who trains Tingle in those techniques. She will be fast and agile, with some hard-hitting strikes.

Likelihood rating: Never gonna happen.

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